1st One-Shot

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Pidge sat on her bed aboard the Castle of Lions, which was now somewhere in the cold heart of space. She typed furiously at her keyboard trying to decode Galra gibberish, hoping it would give her clues for where to find her dad and Matt. Music played from her phone as she worked, all the while making her thing of the previously mentioned and Lance McClain.

Wait; WHAT?!?! Pidge stopped typing for a moment. Lance? Why in the name of Voltron would I be thinking of Lance? She thought. This thought puzzled her for a while, and then she brushed it aside, thinking she was only thinking about him because they had gone on a mission together earlier that day. The green paladin continued her work again.

Knock-knock, the door sounded as though someone was rasping their knuckles against it. The noise pulled Katie out of her thoughts, who could be knocking at her door this late at night? "Come in!" she said as they knocked a second time. The door opened to reveal a frowning blue paladin. "Lance?" pidge sounded a little confused. He stepped in, "sorry if I woke you." "What, no you didn't, I was already awake." She stuttered, and then patted the bed, biding him to sit.

"What's up?" she asked when he sat. "I-I," he hesitated, "I can't sleep." Pidge was a little vexed, "Well has something been on your mind that's making you not able to sleep or something?" He looked up in surprise, "yeah, exactly." Pidge looked down at her screen, typed something, and then looked up at him again. "Do you maybe, want to talk about it? That might help." "Sure." He did not seem very enthusiastic about it. "I miss earth." He started, "and my family. And I feel like a seventh wheel." He explained, going into the depths of his heart, and explaining them to pidge. She listened intently, and eventually she set down her computer. "And, I, well you see, I kind of like this girl, you know, a lot."

Of course you do, Katie mentally grimaced. "And I don't really know if she likes me. She's really smart and pretty..." he trailed off talking about some girl. Pidge picked up her computer again and started typing, trying to shield her face so he didn't see her angry. Then she realized why she was really thinking about Lance before. She loved him. She stopped typing and just sat, processing what just went through her mind. Her focus quickly flashed back to Lance, who was still talking and thinking she was paying attention. "And I think I knew her on Earth too." "Oh really? So um, what-what was her name?" Pidge asked, trying not to sound as if she cared.

"Katie Holt." Pidge froze, and then her face slowly came from behind the laptop. "WH-what?!" Lance rubbed his neck and looked at his feet in embarrassment. "Really?" Pidge did not hear herself speak nor the tone of hopefulness in her voice. "Well um, I mean in a sib" he stopped when he looked at her face, she could easily tell that he did not really love her in a sibling way. "Yes, I do." His ears turned red as he said that. Pidge averted her eyes, blushing as hard as he was. "Well this is awkward." "Until you said that." They both laughed at that, then Lance looked at her again, "so, um, do, do you feel, I mean how do you feel..?"

"I, I'll have to think about it." She blurted out. "Just, I'll talk to you in the morning, ok? I think we both need rest." She said; Lance got up as she did. "I promise I'll tell you in the morning, okay?" She said when they were at the door.


"I promise."

He smiled at her, and then just before he stepped out of the door, he leaned down and quickly kissed her cheek. She blushed and shut the door. Inhaling, she thought, it's okay, Katie, there's nothing to get hysterical about. He'll forget about it in the morning. Pidge no longer payed any attention to her thoughts. She jumped around a bit, happy as a lamb, and thought of exactly what she'd say to him in the morning.  

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