The Twins

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So yeah part 3. Sorry spamming update and thanks me later for this wonderful fanfic [winkwonk] btw enjoy




Its early in the morning when Taehyung is waken by harsh stabbing pain. Not again he thinks. These fake labour pains he got every so often were definitely not pleasant. Hoping that they are over now he buries his head in the pillow and tries to go back to sleep. But three minutes later they come again. Taehyung's eyes open wide like saucers. No way! These are the real ones!

"Jeon Jungkook wake up now!"

Jungkook sits up quickly. "What!? What happen!?" He blinks a few times trying to wake up, and make sense on what's going on.

"Go get the bag from the closet." Taehyung says a bit out of breath.

His husband just looks down at him sleepy and confused not really understanding.

"The babies are coming!" Taehyung exclaims. “Get the bag!”

Jungkooks eyes widen, now fully awake and aware of what's happening. He quickly gets up and grabs the bag from the closet along with a few other things that might be needed.

Good thing Taehyung thought of packing a bag with everything in it already, Jungkook thinks. If not he would have been in more of a panic then he is right now.

Once he takes everything to the car, he goes back to help his husband walk, as the pain is gradually getting worse. He pushes the seat back so Taehyung can be in a laying position, then carefully puts his seat belt on.

"Baby, take deep breaths."Jungkook tells him, while Taehyung squeezes the stress ball he got from those birthing classes they went to.

But Taehyung lets out a scream. "They going to be here soon." He wheezes turning to his husband.

Seeing Jungkook doing the breathing exercises with him, looking like he's about ready to pass out; Taehyung lets out a small laugh. Even with what's happening right now, at least he can still find humor in something.

"Good thing I sent a text to Jin-Hyung." Taehyung murmers.

Jungkook turns to him. "What?"

"Because I don't think you're going to be able to handle the paperwork and questions, while everything is happening." He says between breaths.

"When did you message him?" Jungkook asks.

"I did it while you were in panic mode, and packing stuff that we don't really need." He says sending Jungkook a smirk.

Jungkook just rolls his eyes.

Six minutes later they finally make it to the hospital, although taehyung is desperately squeezing his stress ball. The moment they open the car doors they hear voices saying "There they are!"

As Jungkook gets out of the car and heads to Taehyung, he is pushed out of the way by eomma mode Jin.

"Hey Tae, how you feeling? What's your pain level? Do you think you can get up for a bit?" Jin quickly asks.

Taehyung let's out a giggle.

"Hey Jin-Hyung. I'm fine and I can get up don't worry. But I don't know about Jungkook though." Taehyung says, looking at Jungkook, panic now replaced with a pout instead.

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