Chapter 3

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Chresanto August POV:

Today was the day of the basketball championships for our school. My whole team was warming up, waiting for the players from Avon Lake to arrive.

" Hey August! Get over here!" My coach yelled at me. I jogged over to him

"Yeah?" I said

"I need you to make sure everyone's head is in the game. We don't want to lose this trophy because someone is off in la-la land."

"Sure thing"

I had my pep talk with the guys and by the time I was finished, the other players were there.

When the guys from Avon Lake showed up, our coach told us to huddle up so we could have our "official" huddle up before the game. He basically told us to stay calm, yet alert. Get to know the person you are guarding; watch where he usually likes to pass the ball. He told us that Avon Lake had a really good team, and that if we wanted to come out on top, we needed to watch the little things. We did our Highland Hornet chant, and then it was time for us to go out on the court. Since I'm team captain, I had to play in the first half. The referee came to half court and tossed the ball in the air, and I hit it to my side.


At one point in the game we started losing, but we recovered pretty quick. It is now nearing the end of the 4th quarter, and there are only 25 seconds left on the clock and we are tied.


Everyone in the bleachers came rushing out to congratulate the players. We all showered then headed to Jacob's place for the after party. I stayed there for a couple hours, but then I decided I wanted to leave early instead of staying over like everyone else. It was about 1:00 when I left.

Instead of going to my car, I decided I wanted to take a walk instead to clear my head of some things that happened a couple weeks ago with my girlfriend Vanessa.

After a while I realized I walked a lot farther than I had originally planned. I turned to go back, but something caught the corner of my eye. It was a dark, moving figure. Me, being the curious person I am, I started walking towards it. Then as I stared at the figure, I could see that it was a person. A girl. I could make out her long hair moving all around her. And by the way she was running, I could tell she was scared and was running from someone of something. Then I saw that she was about to unknowingly run into the street, so my instincts kicked in and I yelled stop. That didn't' make her stop. If anything that made her go faster. When she made it across the street, it looked as if she was slowing down. It looked like she was about pass out, so I ran towards her to try to catch her. I was too late. She hit the ground right before I got there. I reached her and picked her up. I heard her mumble something, but it was too low for me to understand. Then she passed out.

Here I am, walking around with an unconscious girl in my arms. If people were to see me, they would be a little concerned. But all I'm thinking of is 'Where am I going to take her?' I don't know who this girl is, where she came from, or what she was running from, but I do know that she needs help. I finally reach my car and decide to take her to my house. My mom can probably help since she is a nurse.

I pull into my drive way and turn off the car. I get out, then lift the girl out of the passenger side. I went up the front porch and rang the doorbell. My Mom came to the door in her pink fuzzy robe, She shrieked when she saw the disturbing scene in front of her arms.

"Oh my god! Chresanto August what the hell did you do?!" She yelled

"I didn't do anything to her, Mom!" I yelled back "I helped her when I saw her pass out after running from something!"

"Okay, Okay, Okay. Just go get my medical aid kit Chres.

I went and got her medical kit, and she started working. She diagnosed the girl with a minor concussion and a fractured wrist, She made a splint for her wrist and wrapped it. My mom said she could stay over a night to slightly heal. I brought her up to my room and set her down on my bed. I changed her into a pair of my black basketball shorts and one of my old t-shirts. I put her under the covers and I slept on the floor.

About 2 hours later I find myself still awake. I sit up and look at the girl, and I notice for the first time, she is very beautiful actually. I get up and walk over to the window. I turn when I hear the girl gasp and say 'Oh No.'

"Oh god! Please no! I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me." She backs up a little with every word that comes out of her mouth.

I reach out to touch her arm, and she flinches and starts crying at the contact of my skin on hers. I quickly pull my hand back, confused.

"How did you find me?" She says, Barely audible over her loud, body-shaking sobs

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