Day 5, Friday: The First Meal (Part 4)

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When they execute their plan, Mochida is held at knife point. Needless to say, he and Osamu move to sit at the other side of the table. Then a cow holding dynamite ran in being chased by a silverette in a red T-shirt. Then the Ex-Baseball star followed suit. After that Hibari Kyoya walked in and started a fight with the pineapple. During the fight the 'extreme' Sasagawa Ryohei walks in in starts shouting his catchphrase. Then "Dame Tsuna" walks in and makes the most frightening guy alive look like he's about to piss his pants. During all of this, there was one thought on the student's minds.

'What the hell is wrong with these people?'


After the 'Mochida-knife' incident, it was time to solve the issue of seating. Tsuna starts nonchalantly making his way towards a seat at the middle of the table, trying to blend in the the ex-students. Gokudera, being the ever loyal puppy that he is, notices and sends a nod towards Hibari. Hibari, in response, walks right up to Tsuna through the crowd, the weak herbivores parting themselves like the Read Sea, and grabs Tsuna's hand.

"You are not going to sit with these herbivores. It will disturb the peace." Tsuna sighs in defeat, knowing that if he made a scene his cover would be blown. He swallows his last remaining shred of dignity and allows Hibari to tug him by the hand, surprisingly gentle, and escort him to the head of the table.


Mochida and Osamu watch in amusement as their fellow students make way for Hibari.

"There's definitely going to be a fight! I hope Hibari San wins!" Osamu whispers.

"This is Dame Tsuna we're talking about, of course Hibari San will win!" Mochida whispers back.

"I'm putting ten euros on Hibari San." Nezu says, making the two bullies jump in surprise.

"A betting man are we?" A voice says below the three. "I like these odds. Fifty on Tsuna, and there being no fight." The three look down and see what looks to be a fifteen year old. He takes out a fifty euro note and waves it in the air, pinched between his middle and index fingers. "We have a deal?" Nezu looks at the teen astounded.

"Be prepared to lose that money, kid." Nezu smirks. "Hibari San is the most feared man in Namimori. There's no way Dame Tsuna over there can do anything to him!" He takes out his wallet and grabs a ten euro bank note. Lambo does the same, and they place there bets on a near by table. They watch as Hibari walks over and grabs Tsuna's hand, gently bringing him out of the crowd of herbivores. They watch Hibari's expression soften as he says something to him, and starts to bring him towards the head of the table.

"Looks like I won this bet old man." Lambo grabs Nezu's money and puts his winnings in his wallet. He walks away from the group of three and towards Tsuna. Osamu, Nezu and Mochida look at each other in disbelief. Why did Hibari not beat up on Dame Tsuna? Why was he smiling at him? Are Hibari's action a sign of this dying world ending as we know it!?
(Nah, we all know that Hibari-Chan has a soft spot for small animals. :3)

"We're sorry for the delay. Enjoy the meal!" Sebastian says. He bows and the serving staff comes from behind him on both sides, single file. There were seven golden serving domes, while the rest were silver. Like well oiled machines they line up, one server to each guest. Those with the golden serving domes stood by those at the head of the table. They set the domes down in complete sync. They're removed to reveal the delectable delights of their first Vongola Style meal: two mouthwatering mini pizzas, personalized to each patron's liking.

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