Chapter 10

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Joey POV

There she layed, sleeping so peacefully. I had packed her bags as well as mine and was ready to go. My private jet will take us to Brisbane in Australia. Having a private jet is one of the best luxuries when rich and trying to kidnap the girl you love... again.

There in Brisbane we'll live in a house where we can adopt a dog and have our children. I've already planned our lives so well.

I pick Asia up and carry her to my car. I then put our bags in and off we went to the airport. A perk of having a private jet is that I don't have to go through security, or see anyone actually. Only the pilot will witness Asia being whisked away from her  home country. Luckily he understands my love for the girl and would never tell anyone about my little secret that is Asia.

At the airport I see the pilot, Eric.

"Hey, Eric!" I shout as he was in a far distance

"Joey, good to see you!" He spoke coming closer to me.

He helped me unpack the car and put the luggage in the small plane. I insisted on putting Asia down. I shall be the only man who can touch her.

"So she is the girl you speak so well about?" Eric questioned

"The one and only." I said smiling towards what was mine.

"Well then let's get you two love birds to Australia." He said with a pat on the back as turned to the cockpit of the plane.

In Australia

Asia is still asleep, looks like the medication was just what I payed for then. As I step out the jet a range rover waited for me to be driven by its new owner. Yes, I planned this whole escape thing while I planned my life with the beauty that is Asia.

Our home is beautiful, everything that she would want. Everything from the Curtains that hang to the wood covered floors, everything that I know Asia is fond of.

She'll love the life we'll live.

But snapping back to reality I stare at Asia as she sits on the passenger seat about to wake up at any moment. Before she wakes up and before I leave the airport there's a small task I need to deal with.

I return to the jet, holding a tight grip to the gun I grabbed from my car. I saw Eric.

"Sorry, Eric. I just can't have loose ends and you my friend are a loose end." I say just before shooting him in the head causing a quick death.

I set the gun in a way to make it look as if it was a suicide. I just can't have any possibilities of Asia and my relationship being ruined.

I walk back to car where I retrieve a plain black shirt as my once plain white one had a few blood droplets on it. Once the shirt is on I get into the car and drive to my new life

62 votes until the next chapter!

Idk why i chose australia but 🤷‍♀️
what country are you from?
im from South Africa :)

words: 513
written: 21 October 2017
edited:          -

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