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                        Nana's P.O.V.
My, my, my. Seventh grade was awful. I was always being bullied for being another plain meif'wa. Nobody wanted to be my friend. All the girls would steal my stuff and the guys would try to abuse me if they were my boyfriend, I was like a young trophy wife to them. The bell rang and I ran to class. I sat in the back next to a kid with black hair over one eye. "Hi. I'm Nana." I said. "Pfft. That's your n- I-I mean I'm... well my name's not important right now." The boy replied. "Oh ok. Hey, wanna be friends?" I asked, hopeful. "Does this mean I have to say my name?" He asked, obviously annoyed. "No." I replied. "Fine. Meet me at lunch. The table in the corner." He said. "Ok, sure!" I beamed ecstatically. I raised my hand to ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom. She gave me a pass and I went down the hall. Some girls were in the bathroom doing their makeup, and Ivy and her gang were talking in there. Crap. She noticed me. "Oh! If it isn't grandma!" She taunted. I sigh. "Can I please just do something normal without you idiots hovering around to bully me?!" I say. Ivy starts fuming. "You realize that you'll never get a boyfriend right? So you should watch your mouth." Ivy said. "Why should I care? I have a friend, at least." I reply. "Oh really? Who is it?" She snickered. "Well, he didn't tell me his name, but he had black hair over one eye, and the other eye very blue." I said, knowing I should probably just go to the bathroom and ignore Ivy, but I wasn't finished. "Hah! You're talking about Zane Ro'Meave, the most emo person in school! Looks like the two misfits are friends!" Ivy grinned. "Hey nanny. Why don't you do us all a favor, and kill yourself." One of her friends said, she had blue hair and she punched me in the face. I ran out of there crying, trying to wipe tears off of my face as I ran down the hall. You could tell that I was crying when I went into class, but I didn't care anymore. I sat at my seat a silently cried about what that blue haired girl said to me. Kill yourself? Was I really just not worth living on this earth anymore? I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked me. "Oh.. um... I-I'm fine." I say. "You're crying." He wipes a tear from my face. "I didn't know." I say sarcastically. "What happened." He was actually concerned. "Has anyone ever told you that you didn't deserve to live anymore?" I asked through tears. "W-what?!" He asked, horrified. "One of Ivy's friends told me to kill myself." I sobbed. "Yeah, people have, right before the shove me in a locker." He laughs. Why is he laughing? "Heh." I say. I heard the bell ring and the teacher dismissed us. "Remember the deal." Zane said as we parted ways.
The next few classes seemed to fly by before lunch. The fourth bell was music to my ears as I zoomed to the cafeteria. I saw Zane sitting at the table in the corner, just like he said. He waves me over when he sees me. I make my way towards the table, and sit down next to him. "What's on your lunchbox?" Zane asks me as I pull it out. "Oh, um... well it's called... My Little Horsie." I say, flustered with embarrassment. "Hey, there's no need to be embarrassed." He says, tilting my chin to make me look at him. "Hehehe." I giggle. "What?" He says. "I like your freckles." I say as I boil his nose. I can feel Ivy's stare burning into my back, but honestly, I didn't care. I had a great friend, and that's all that mattered.

No one's P.O.V.

Zane grabbed his TØP lunch box and unpacked his mom's special chicken salad sandwich. "Who is Twenty Øne Pilots?" Nana asked. "You mean, you've never heard of them?" Zane asked, shocked. "Nope, I don't have a phone, but I have a computer, but I don't really listen to music." She said. "Do you have Skype?" Zane asked. "Yeah! Do you want my username?" Nana asked, excited. "Sure! That would be great!" Zane said. She ripped a piece of paper off of her math notebook and wrote down her username, it said 'KawaiiChan.' The two of them talked and ate until it was the end of lunchtime. "I'll see you around, Zane!" Nana waved. "Yeah, see ya." Zane said. They both parted ways. Not looking where she was going, Nana was on her way to class when she walked right into someone, knocking the two of them backwards. "Hey!" The girl who she ran into. When Nana sat up she saw it was the girl who told her to kill herself. "Oh it's you, how are you not dead? I told you to kill yourself." The blue haired girl told her. The girl suddenly grabbed Nana by the collar of her shirt and pinned her to the locker. "Listen up, Grandma, I want you dead by tomorrow, got that? Meet me near willow street, and if you don't slit your wrist with the knife I give you, I'll make your life a living hell." The blue haired girl scolded her. "O-ok." Nana agreed. "Good. Now scurry along, cat." She slapped Nana across the face. Nana started to sprint towards her next class, almost in tears, but just in case Zane was in her history class. He wasn't. She sat in the back as usual. After history was math, then biology, then it was the end of school. She got on the bus with her younger sister, Sophia. "How was your day, Nana?" Sophia asked. "It was okay, I made a new friend." Nana replied. "That's great." Sophia said, completely unaware that she may never see her big sister again.

Zane's mother picked up him and Garroth, then they went to go get Vlad at his school. "So how was school today, boys?" Mrs. Ro'Meave asked her sons. "I have a girlfriend Mom, and looks like Zane has himself a girlfriend too." Garroth replied. "Hey! She's just my friend, besides, I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me like that." Zane said sadly. "Well my day was ok! Hey Mom, can I join the soccer team?" Vlad asked. "Of course honey!" His mother replied. When they got home Zane shut himself in his room and typed in Nana's username. It looked like she was online. He sent her a friend request and she accepted almost immediately. Zane felt his stomach fill with butterflies as he tapped the chat bubble.

Nana was Skyping Zane when she decided to FaceSkype him instead, she need to tell him that she won't be coming back. When he answered Zane could see that she had been crying earlier. "Nana are you ok?" He asked. "Zane, I need to tell you something." She said, sniffling. "What is it?" He asked her. "Zane, I don't think I'm coming back to school." She said through tears. "What, why?" He asked. "This blue haired girl, she said something really bad would happen if I don't meet her at willow street to kill Myself right before her eyes." Nana said, sobbing. "No! That can't happen! I can't loose you." Zane said, angrily. "Zane, there's nothing we can do. Besides, it's too late. I have to go. G-goodbye." Nana cried while hanging up. Zane was horrified. He ran downstairs grabbing his coat and ran out the door, trying to remember who the blue haired girl was.

Author's note
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that the first chapter is D-O-N-E done! This actually took a while, so props to me! Also I kinda just want to cover what happened, in case you can't understand:
-Nana is being forced to kill herself
-Zane has grown to like her
-Garroth has a girlfriend

who is the blue haired girl? That's for you guys to figure out!


His Everything | A ZANA FANFIC {COMPLETED}[AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora