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Nana's P.O.V.

I left Zane's house and went home to read manga in my room. (NOT HENTAI PERVS) When I headed upstairs and opened my door I saw... Lily?! She was on our computer, but on MY Skype account. "Lily what are you doing?!" I exclaim as I push her out of the chair. Her (now dyed) black hair was in her eyes. She had another ear piercing and a tattoo on her wrist. She was almost 18, so I wasn't really surprised. "The real question is who is Zane?" She asked with a smirk on her dark lips. I took a deep breath in and exhaled to calm myself. "Why don't you tell me before I take a smoke." She says while hold my hand, beckoning me to sit down on her bed with her. "Tell me everything. You don't have to hold back, I am your sister, after all." She tells me. "Zane is my boyfriend." I say trying to be as calm as possible. "What's his last name?" Lily asks. I stare at her new lip piercing. It's a small ring on the left side of her lower lip. "Ro'Meave." I say. "Ro'Meave?! Nana those people, those monsters hate us! I'm not sure what the feud is about, but the Moore's and the Ro'Meave's do not mix at all, and if they did, well, let's just say you're screwed." She said. "Alright I'm gonna take a hit. Bye Nana." She said. I play back her words in my head. What was the feud anyways? What happened those many years ago? I try not to think about it as I head to Jordan's room. He was on the phone with somebody. I peek in and eavesdrop. (Don't judge me!) "Listen. My little sister is being brutally bullied by some of your students at your school. If this doesn't stop I'm afraid I'm going to have to change schools." He said. There was muffled murmurs on the other side of the line. "You have three days. Good day to you sir." Jordan ended the call. I knocked lightly on the door. "Come in." He said. I saw him running his hands through his vibrant pink hair. "Is everything alright?" I asked pretending not to know what's wrong. "Yeah. Don't worry about it." He says. "Okay. I'm gonna go read." I say as I exit his room. I grab my manga book and start reading it. The manga was about a princess named Kawaii Cookie. She had pink hair like me and always talked in third person. I have always wanted to be like her. I keep reading until I hear the computer go off. It was a message from Zane.

Z: thinking bout u ;)

N: miss u 2 :D

Z: Wanna come ovr again?

N: Sure but i cant stay

Z: k

I get my pink overcoat and start walking to his house. I walk down his street and knock on the door. This time Garroth answers. "Oh, hey Nana. You must be here for Zane right? He's in his room." He said kindly while holding the door open for me. "Thanks!" I say a little peppily as I head upstairs. Zane was sitting in his room on his computer, looking up something. "Hey Zane! What are you doing?" I ask. "Oh. I'm just looking up when Irene's day is." He says. Irene's day is when Irene basically picks your soulmate. A little mark appears on your wrist, and whoever you match with is your soulmate. "Isn't That tomorrow?" I ask. "Yep. I hope I get you." He says as he kisses my cheek. "Same here." I say. I go to sit on his bed and he joins shortly after. "What would I do if I lost you?" He asked. I remember the conversation my brother had when he was on the phone. "I don't know." I say as I hold his hand. We talk for a while. It's really nice having him with me. I leave shortly after six p.m. When I go in my room I find Lily talking to someone while holding hands with the person. "Hey Lily! Who's this?" I ask. "Oh! Um this is Josh. Josh, this is my sister Nana." She introduced us. "Hi Josh." I say shyly. "Hello." He murmurs. "I'm just gonna leave you two lovebirds alone." I chirp as I go downstairs to make microwave Mac-N-Cheese. I mix the water and the raw pasta together in the tiny cup and put it in the microwave for two minutes. I play my favorite song, New Rules and start dancing until the microwave is done. My smart little brother, Levi, comes downstairs and sees me dancing. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "I'm making dinner for myself?" I say startled. "Oh, well in that case, can you make me some grilled cheese?" He asks. "Sure." I say. I grab the bread  and let it grill in the pan. When that's done I add the cheese. While that grills I eat some of my dinner. I finish the grilled cheese and drop it off near Levi's desk. I head Back downstairs to eat my dinner. When I'm done I wash the cup out and throw it in the recycling bin. I go upstairs and quickly grab some of my comics and run back down to the couch. My sister, Maddie, was watching t.v. She was only eleven, so she was watching Disney Channel. I tried getting her into anime, but we only got as far as Pokemon. The night became cold and rainy. I stare out the window to see little droplets making their way down the window. I hear a knock on the door and decided to answer. I open the door to find no one there. I look down and see a box of chocolates and a card. I brought the package in and set it on the coffee table. "Who's that for?" Maddie asks. "Oh. It's for me, actually." I say. "That's surprising." She says as she turns her focus back to the t.v. I grab the card and read it in my head.

Dearest Nana

I hope you like the chocolates, I got them just for you. I hope you'll be my soulmate tomorrow boo.

A secret admirer

Minus the crappy rhymes, it was pretty sweet. I stare at the card. Was this from Zane? I would bet.

Third person

But little did she know it wasn't from Zane at all.

YASSSS QUEEN!!! ITS FINALLY DONE! MY WRITERS BLOCK IS OVER BISHES! Please drop a comment on telling me what to call you.



His Everything | A ZANA FANFIC {COMPLETED}[AU]Where stories live. Discover now