Chapter 4: Reepicheep

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"I can hear you," Caspian said after a couple of hours. He stopped and turned around.

"They've been following us for ages, you know that right?" I said. Trufflehunter and Nikabrik came out from behind the trees.

"I just think we should wait for the Kings and Queens," Trufflehunter said. Caspian rolled his eyes and continued walking.

"Fine! Go then! See if the others will be as understanding!" Trufflehunter said.

"Or maybe I'll come with you," Nikabrik said. "I want to see you explain things to the Minotaurs." He walked past me and I followed him and Caspian. Caspian stopped. I leaned against a tree.

"Minotaurs?" he asked. "They're real?"

"And very bad-tempered," Trufflehunter said. He had caught up with us now.

"Yeah, not to mention big," Nikabrik said.

"Huge," Trufflehunter filled in.

"And with an awful habit to kill before they listen" I said and joined their little group again. Caspian looked a bit scared. Then he thought about something else.

"What about centaurs?" he asked. "Do they still exist?" We moved forwards again.

"Well, the centaurs will probably fight on your side," Trufflehunter explained. "But there's no telling what the others will do."

"What about Aslan?" Caspian asked. I stopped where I was. I haven't heard anyone say his name in a long time.

"How do you know so much about us?" Nikabrik asked.

"Stories," Caspian answered.

"Wait a minute," I said. I am confused. Who told him the stories if his father is dead?

"Your father told you stories about Narnia?" Trufflehunter asked.

"No, my professor. He..." Caspian begun, but interrupted himself. "Listen, I am sorry. These are not the kind of questions you should be asking."

He walked away. I sighed. What kind of questions should we ask then?

Trufflehunter sniffed in the air.

"What is it?" Nikabrik asked. I looked at them.

"Human," Trufflehunter answered. Caspian turned around.

"Him?" Nikabrik asked. I turned around too.

"No, them!" Trufflehunter said and I saw a lot of soldiers far off in the forest.

"Run!" Trufflehunter said and we all begun to run further into the forest. I cursed under my breath, took an arrow out of the quiver and nocked it on the string of my bow. I took cover behind a tree and fired the arrow and then ran again. I couldn't see if the arrow hit or not.

"Trufflehunter!" I said and turned around when I heard him groan. I saw him lying on the ground with an arrow in his back.

"Wait, I'll go!" Caspian said and ran back to pick him up. I shot an arrow at the attacking soldiers and killed one of them. Then something seemed to happen. The grass moved around the soldier's feet and one after one they fell to the ground. I ran after Caspian and heard how the soldiers screamed behind us.

"Get him out of here," Caspian said and handed Trufflehunter to me. I gave him to Nikabrik and stood beside Caspian.

"I'm not going to let you fight alone," I said. The last soldier dropped his crossbow and started screaming at the grass. When he fell, the creature in the grass moved in our direction. Caspian pushed me out of the way and I fell. I sat up as fast as possible, but it was too late. The creature was already attacking Caspian.

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