signs truth or dare part 3

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Cancer: ok our first guest is sagitarius... What do you choose?

Saggitarius: dare

Aries: i dare you to come with me into the bed

Both of the signs ran away and the other signs starts to here noises again*

Cancer: ok.... Next is capricorn

Capricorn: truth!

Cancer: smash marry kill?

Capricorn: smash libra marry pisces and kill aries

Aries: what did you say?

Capricorn: oh i said i would kill you

Aries: nevermind we'll talk later

The noises began to grew louder*

Cancer: next is aquarius

Aquarius: i pick truth

Cancer: smash marry kill

Aquarius: smash cancer marry libra kill taurus

Taurus: u ugh i would kill you too

Aquarius: id kill you because you ate all my food when you didnt bring your own lunch.

Taurus: well its my personal problem ok

Cancer: i didnt know you like me?

Aquarius: a lot of people l-

Was cut of by the other zodiac signs*

Scorpio: hey hes mine

Cancer blushes

Libra: last but not least Pisces truth or dare?

Pisces: dare

Scorpio: i dare you to slap aquarius

Aquarius: plz dont

Pisces: sorry *slaps aquarius*

Aquarius and pisces started fighting*

Cancer disappeared with scorp*

Aries came out and fought capricorn*

The whole scene is cut off after 5 minutes*

Libra: ok thanks for tunning in. Leave your comments down below for more dares or truths plz. We'll shout out your name.

(The end)
Thank you for reading

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