Capricorn x pisces

746 12 3

Capricorn saw her senpai in the cafeteria

Capricorn: omg guys he's here

Leo: him ew I'm way much better you should date me instead.

Capricorn: but you're already my waifs

Capricorn snuggles Leo (they are best friends)

Cancer: I mean he's cute i guess...
(Cancer has a crush on Capricorn)

Capricorn: ikr he's the one definitely

Cancer: did you talk to him yet?

Capricorn: idk I haven't talked to him. I'm scared owo

Cancer: At least try. What if he doesn't know? He'll think you're a creep.

Capricorn: eh I guess i should

Libra: -_- (also has a crush on Capricorn)

Pisces: (sat down at the group table) hey wassup guys :3

Capricorn: (OMG HES FKING ADORABLE) uhm hi •^•.

Taurus: hey(talking while eating her food)

Capricorn: so guys Im planning a party on Friday do y'all want to come?

All the signs: hell ye

On Friday...

To be continued....

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