Chapter 2 - Found

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They found me!” I thought. I had managed to avoid them for nearly ten years now but I had finally been caught. I couldn’t help but wonder how they did. I made sure to keep a low profile. I had average grades, I went to an average school, and I made sure I acted like an average person. So many thoughts began to flood my mind. I started to weigh my options. I could easily fight off this one little agent but there would soon be more after them. The only way to keep him quiet would be to kill him and I knew I didn’t have it in me. Now that he had seen my face Scorpio would come after me relentlessly. They would do anything to make sure they got ahold of me even if that meant exhausting all their resources, or even going after my family. My thoughts were interrupted as the agent started to speak.

“Hey, um I just have a quick question for you. You’re not in any kind of trouble if that’s what you’re thinking,” he grinned. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“I...I’m okay I just... don’t want to miss the bus.” I stammered. That was probably the worst lie I had told in my life. I knew he would see right through it. I could care less about missing the bus. As fast as us Evolutionaries are I could run there if I needed to.

“Ah, it will only take a second.” He said, seemingly oblivious to my poorly told lie.

“Okay sure...” I said. He gave me a quick nod before reaching for something in his pocket. My entire body tensed as I prepared to hurl the agent out the window. There was no doubt he had a gun on him, but I waited to see what it was. He struggled for a bit before pulling out a small folded piece of paper.

“Have you seen this guy before” he questioned, holding out the paper for me to take. I took it and unfolded it carefully. It was a picture of boy about my age.

“No.” I answered truthfully. I really hadn’t seen that person before. If I had, I would have remembered as Evolutionaries have improved memory retention.

“You sure?” the agent asked. “From what I hear, he’s been seen around this area a few times.” I shook my head in response. He let out a small sigh before continuing. “Well, if you ever see him around here, give this number a call.” He said handing me a small business card.

“What did he do?” I asked, taking the card. The agent seemed to be thinking about his response for a few seconds before finally answering.

“He’s one of those new humans, Evolutionaries they call themselves. He’s considered a threat to society and must be stopped as soon as possible” he replied sternly.

“Okay then, will do.” I said a little annoyed. I hated how Evolutionaries are always portrayed as villains. We’re just like everyone else, wanting to live and be happy. If only I could explain that to the agent without being shot at.

I took a few step backs from the car nodding goodbye to the agent before briskly walking towards my bus stop. The escalade pulled off down the road and out of sight. As it did, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. I couldn’t believe how nervous that had got me. My palms were sweating.

A few minutes later I arrived at my bus stop, getting there just as the bus pulled up, hissing as it stopped. I shuffled across the street and got on the bus, heading for the back where my friend James was. We spent most of the ride arguing over football with the rest of the guys. Half of them were Eagle fans while the other half, including myself, were fans of the Giants. They had a game this upcoming weekend and everyone was excited.

When we arrived, I was the last to get off the bus, taking my time as I trudged to class. I had Chemistry first, and my teacher was terrible.  He spent half the class making and drinking his coffee, and then another fifteen minutes calling roll for attendance. Afterwards, we spent about ten minutes taking notes before he assigned us a thirty problem worksheet for homework as the bell rang. My next class was French, then Calculus. French went by fairly quick, and so did Calculus considering I slept through most of it. Math was unbearably boring and I didn’t care to get much higher than a C in it. I always figured if I really put enough effort into it, or used my powers to cheat, I could get an easy A but I decided against it.

There were rumors that Scorpio used some computer program to single out overachieving students and test their blood. Needless to say, if they were in fact an Evolutionary, they didn’t return to school the next day. It wasn’t just kids who used their powers like that, there were adults too. Mainly, there were athletes who used their powers to become superstar players. Most recently, Michael Phelps had been accused of being an Evolutionary, but it was later proven that he wasn’t.

In gym, we were playing basketball when this new kid asked to play. He seemed oddly familiar, I knew I had seen his face before, but he just looked different. I couldn’t quite put my fingers on it and I was too busy to think.

“You any good?” I asked innocently.

“You could say that.” He said with a sly smirk.

“Alright cool, you’re on my team!” My friend Marc interjected. We quickly told him the teams before continuing the game.

The new kid wasn’t lying, he was good. Actually, he was great. He made shot after shot all around the court effortlessly. It wasn’t until he took the last shot of the game that I noticed something strange. Right before the ball prepared to bounce of the rim, it lifted up slightly and went straight in. No one else seemed to notice it.

“Lucky shot” he said with a smile as everyone cheered. I knew better though. That wasn’t just some lucky shot. That was the work of an Evolutionary. And then, it hit me. He wasn’t just any Evolutionary either, he was the one I had seen on the wanted paper from Scorpio earlier.

A/N: Fight scene next chapter!! Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Also, check out the last capter if you haven't already :) 

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