Chapter 13 - Memory Lane

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Autumn’s POV

I took in a deep breath, brushing my hair behind my ear with the tip of my finger. It had been a while since I had to discuss these parts of my past. I looked at Tyler, who was eager to hear how I managed to stay alive after my run in with Scorpio three years ago. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift back to that day.

The hot sun shined bright through the openings in the trees that lined our path. It was Saturday, and hot so Jeremy decided to take me to go get ice cream at the little ice cream parlor about a mile down the road from our house. I drug my feet through the dirt leaving a long shoe path all the way from our house to where we were now.

“Pick your feet up, you’re gonna give me a headache.” Jeremy groaned, clearly annoyed at my only form of entertainment. I hated walking but I had got a nail stuck in my bike tire a week ago. If it hadn’t have been so hot I wouldn’t have agreed to go with him, but ice cream was just something I couldn’t turn down in this type of weather.

About ten minutes of silence later we finally arrived at Joe’s Ice Cream. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who had a desperate need for ice cream as there was a bit of a line stretching to the entrance. I grumbled, irritated that we had to wait. I was extremely impatient. While we waited slowly inching our way closer to the front, Jeremy played games on his phone. I didn’t really get why he would play a game that made him so upset. What was a flabby bird anyways?

Eventually, we finally made it to the front and ordered our ice cream. I had a cookies and cream ice cream cone, and Jeremy had a chocolate and vanilla one. After ordering, we stepped back and waited for one of the workers to make our cones. It only took a couple of minutes, and soon we were walking down the street again licking on our cones. We came to a busy intersection and waited for the little light on the other side of the road to signal for us to cross. Whilst licking my amazingly delicious cone frantic footsteps came rushing up behind us. Jeremy and I whipped around to see what was going on. There was a man all dressed up in a suit and tie with a briefcase in his hands running down the street, probably a lawyer. In his free hand, he held a phone to his ear yelling to whoever was on the other end.

“I’ll be there in two minutes I’m crossing the street now!” He said running right passed nearly knocking my cone over. Startled, I grunted twisting my face in a scowl. I walked a mile for this cone he better not have made me drop it!

“Hey watch out!” Jeremy at the man as he charged off into the street. A series of car horns were sounded off by the angry drivers who had to slam on breaks to avoid hitting him. Determined to get to his destination in time he just kept on running, not even bothering to look where he was really going. He was about halfway across the street, only one more lane to go before he got to the other side. Unfortunately he found himself in the path of a black escalade, one that was going too fast to stop in time. I screamed in horror as the man was about to get hit.

“Watch out!” I screamed, but it was obviously too late, the collision with the car was inevitable at that point. I looked over to Jeremy, my eyes pleading for him to save the man. Seeing me out the corner of his eye Jeremy muttered under his breath and then threw his hand out pushing the man across the street and tumbling over on the sidewalk. Phew, that was close. I saw the astonished look on some of the drivers faces in the street. No doubt they knew what Jeremy was.

“C’mon on.” Jeremy called crossing the street as the light signaled for us to cross, finally. The man who Jeremy had saved was sitting on the ground his running though his hair as he tried to control his breathing.

“Th-thank you s-so much.” He stammered looking up at Jeremy and I. Jeremy just nodded and we kept walking. We had just turned down the dirt road that led to our house when a car slowly crept up behind us. One quick glance and I immediately recognized the car as the one that had nearly hit that man crossing the street. It was then that I also recognized the people in the car. The wore black shades shielding their eyes, a black suit over a white t-shirt, and a small little name tag with a Scorpion printed in the top right corner. My jaw dropped at the sight of it. Scorpio. Just then Jeremy snatched my hand pulling me into a sprint behind him.

“Run!” He growled. I did as he said and we ran down the road for our lives. There was no point though, obviously we couldn’t out run a car. When it pulled up beside us the doors swung open. “Through the trees!” Jeremy ordered as the car came to a halt and two men hopped out of it. With that, Jeremy took off running faster than I’d ever seen him run before.

“Wai—” I began to called after him until I tripped and fell on my face. Yay life. By the time I got up, Jeremy was nowhere to be seen and the men were now towering over me, guns drawn. “Pp-lease don’t hurt me” I cried looking up to them, my eyes pleading. My answer came when one of the men walked away, but not before muttering “Finish her” to his partner who just nodded. I started to back up slowly as he aimed the gun at my chest and began to pull the trigger. I shrieked as an overwhelming surge of power came over my body. Everything was a little blurry for a minute. I remember movement, and then a gunshot but a bullet never hit me. The man once stood before me was now flying back through the air before he landed an tumbling through the brush. The gun laid on the ground a few feet in front of me.

I could hear footsteps as the other man came running up to see what happened. Anger surged through my body and before I recognized what I was doing, the man was up in the air clutching his throat. My eyes narrowed and my breathing speed up as I focused throat of the man in front of me. As mad as I was, I knew I couldn’t kill him, that wasn’t me. I found myself letting go as his face began to turn dark purple. He clutched his throat gasping for air as he dropped to the ground. In that moment I picked up where I had left off, I ran. However I couldn’t run home, they’d follow me there, so I ran in the opposite direction. I ran and I ran as fast as my legs would take me which was surprisingly a lot faster than only minutes before. I small smile played itself across my lips. I was an evolutionary.

The memories slowly started to fade back into the corners of mind as I finished telling my story. Tyler was staring at sitting on the edge of the couch now. His eyes were full of curiosity.

“So where did you go? How did you all meet?” He asked looking around the room. I smiled before explaining it all.

“I met Aiden while running away from Scorpio. They chased after me relentlessly not wanting to be showed up a thirteen old little girl. I was hungry and didn’t have any money so I tried to steal all the change out his car in a parking lot.” I laughed. Thinking back to that moment. “He caught me in the process, but he wasn’t upset. He read my mind learning what I had gone through and offered me a place to stay. I didn’t have anywhere else to go so I took him up on his offer. To my surprise, I wasn’t the only wanted evolutionary he was hiding. Lauren, Travis, and Kenzie were already here.” I finished pushing my hair back out my face again.

We spent the next hour or so filling in Tyler on everything we had been through. How Aiden taught us how to fight and use our powers effectively, how we saw Jeremy on the news for breaking in to a building owned and operated by Scorpio, and how we hatched the plan so save him. Afterwards we ate a small dinner and watched TV.

We weren’t really surprised to see our story of breaking in Scorpio and saving Jeremy and Tyler on the news. We were shocked however to see the breaking story that followed it.

“Since the break in,” the TV blared out, “Scorpio managed to capture the parents of one of the escapees, Tyler Stephenson.” A picture of Tyler’s parents popped up on the screen. I could see him tense up on the couch next to Kenzie.

“Doctor Daniel Stephenson and his wife, local kindergarten teacher Rachelle Stephenson, are now being contained by Scorpio. We reached out to Doctor Elijah Odaire for a statement regarding their capture and containment and here is what he had to say.” The screen flipped to Doctor Odaire standing inside his office. He walked up close to the camera before speaking.

“Now Tyler, I know you’ll be seeing this soon and I’d like to make a deal with you. You have something I want, and I have something you want, so how about we make a deal?” The smirk on his face made me shiver. This guy was sickening. “You turn yourself in here at Scorpio and I’ll release your parents unharmed. But hurry Mr. Walters, my offer won’t be on the table forever.” He smiled evilly into the camera before it cut back to the news anchors and Aiden turned off the TV leaving the room in an unpleasant silence. This was bad, really bad. 

A/N: Cue the dramatic music! What would you do in that situation? Anyways, hope you liked it and be sure to VOTE and COMMENT!!!

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