Chapter 15 - Accepting Defeat [CONT]

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A/N: This is just a continuation of the last chapter but I guess that's self explanatory haha!

I lashed out and threw my head into Odaire’s noise hearing a loud crack upon impact. The guards tried to restrain me but I overpowered them as my anger boiled over. I punched one of them square in the face as the other grabbed me from behind holding my arms down by the shoulders gripping down on the little armband they placed on my. Closing my eyes I concentrated on using my powers and near simultaneously the armband shocked me electrocuting the guard in the process. He cursed and let go of my arm. Seizing the opportunity, I whipped around and  hit him in the jaw knocking him off balance before turning back to Odaire who was making his way over to his desk. I ran at him as fast as my legs would carry me in tackled him over the desk just as he grabbed something off of his desk. When we fell I landed on top of him and started to punch him. I landed a good hit at his already gushing nose before he trusted a small object at my chest. In seconds my whole body was writhing in pain and I fell over to the side of him shaking. My body felt as if it was on fire. Every part of me was burning, but there were no flames. My vision started to blur as more guards entered the room helping Doctor Odaire to his feet. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk, I was paralyzed. I could barely make out the small syringe lying on the floor next to me. He had injected me with something. My eyes began to feel heavy and I slowly faded into unconsciousness a my body was dragged out of the room.

When I opened my eyes I was staring at a small light in the ceiling. I tried moving my arms but they were tied down along with my feet and torso. My shirt had been removed and IVs ran through my veins. Small pads were attached to my chest that were connected to a small heart monitor displaying my pulse and heartbeat. I started to panic and wiggle trying to shake out of the straps that held my hands down. After several attempts I finally gave up. A few moments later the door opened and three people entered the room dressed in lab coats. They walked up the sides of my and began putting on gloves in silence.

“What the hell are you doing to me?” I yelled trying to free my arms. They ignored me and continued to put on their gloves. “Answer me!” I begged struggling to break free of the straps that held be down. This time one of them glanced at me before picking up a small needle filled with a clear liquid. “What is that?” I asked as he stuck the tip of the needle in my IV. I watched as it flowed down through the tubes and  into my arms. It felt cold entering my veins.

“That is to help you relax.” He said before walking over to the other side of the room and began searching through a stack of papers. Whatever he gave me soothed me almost immediately. My body felt numb, and my mind went blank as the liquid spread throughout my body. I had just began to enjoy the sensation when the door to the room opened again. It was hard to see who it was laying down like I was, but I knew the voice almost immediately.

“I see you’re finally awake Mr. Walters.” Doctor Odaire as he stood over me grinning, his nose will still a bit swollen from our last encounter.. “You’ve been out for quite some time now, but you woke up just in time for the extraction.”

“Lucky me.” I thought.

“Where are my parents?” I asked a lot nicer than I had intended. Somehow I found it strange to be mad no matter much I wanted to be. Whatever they stuck me with was working.

“Well, I had every intention of letting them go but after our last meeting I changed my mind. You needed to know that there are consequences for your actions.” He replied shrugging. Deep down I knew his words should have infuriated me but I couldn’t muster any anger. Instead I just nodded.

“Are they. . .alive?” I asked. Instead of him answering me, he just shook his head.

“I’m sorry Mr. Walters, but it needed to be done. You understand that don’t you?” he asked leaning over me. I could hear the little voice inside my head screaming no but it was quickly drowned out.

“I guess so.” I said nonchalantly.

“Good, I thought you would.” He smiled. “Now, are you ready for the procedure?” he asked.

I thought for a bit. I couldn’t help but think this wasn’t a good idea prying into my head and all, but he was being so nice, how could I refuse? “Sure.” I said. “It won’t hurt will it?”

“No, you won’t feel a thing. In fact, I’d like to talk you through it.” He replied. I nodded and relaxed a bit. Someone placed an oxygen mask over my  face as they began the procedure and Odaire began to talk.

“So, you’re probably wondering what’s happening here.” I nodded as best as I could. “I’ll try and simplify it as best as I can. Basically, they will drill a hole into your skull using a high sped drill. From there they will pass a needle through the hole into the Internal Carotid Artery, which is a big artery at the bottom of your brain spanning throughout the frontal lobe. They will take extract some blood and small amount of brain tissue and then close it all up. Now of course that is a gross oversimplification of the procedure but it’s the only way I can explain it so that you will understand.”

I blinked a few times trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. Something about a drill and my brain. It was kind of hard to hear over the clatter of all the medical equipment around me. “Why does it have to come from the brain?” I ask trying not to move my head.

“Because that’s where your powers ultimately derive from.” I could hear him pacing around the room. “I’m sure you’ve heard about people only using ten percent of their brains right? Well, that’s a myth. It's not that we use ten percent of our brains, merely that we only understand about ten percent of how it functions. The other ninety percent are your glial cells, which we know little about. Our research here led us to believe that something in your glial cells behave differently, thus giving you powers. So we will use the samples from this procedure to figure out what exactly makes them behave the way they do and replicate it.”

Now I was definitely confused. If their sole purpose was to eradicate my species, why would they want to replicate the thing that made us who we are? I guess he knew what I was thinking and answered my question without me even having to ask it.

“Since you’re unfortunately going to die after this, I guess I can explain why. I don’t get the pleasure of telling many people. See if we can replicate the cells that give you your abilities we can use them to form tissue and implant that into other people, thus giving the powers too. The result, a group of unstoppable human beings all under my control.”

At that moment it finally dawned on me what he was saying. He was making an army of evolutionaries.

A/N: It took me longer to research lobotomy (all the brain stuff) than it did to type this haha. Hope you liked it and weren't confused by all that brain stuff. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT if you liked it!

EvolutionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora