Chapter 16 - Awaiting Death

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For nearly thirty minutes Doctor Odaire went on and on about his plans. He explained how he came up with the idea and hired a small team to begin research. Eventually he found a partner to provide the money he needed to fund his insane plot. His intended outcome was the part that scared me the most. He planned on taking over the United States and the work his way into conquering small countries. There were already branches of Scorpio in England, France, and Germany just waiting on the power serum he hoped to mass produce. Something about that information brought me back to reality pushing the relaxing medication out of my system. If he managed to extract the samples he needed for me, God knows how many more people would die.

I couldn’t let this madman replicate my DNA to fuel his insane plan for world domination. What did he think he was going to do, enslave the human race? Over my dead body, literally if necessary. My head on down was numb so there was no way to fight my way out of this one. That opportunity had already passed me by. There was only one way to stop this and it would mean my death. I didn’t even have to think twice about. My family, the only people I truly loved were gone because of me so it was only fitting that I followed them shortly thereafter.

I closed my eyes and concentrated as hard as I could on a chair in the corner of the room and waited for the shock of the armband that was placed on my right arm. It wasn’t working. Was I too late? Were my powers gone? In his endless rambles Odaire managed to mention that it was possible for my powers to become nonexistent after the extraction of my brain tissue was complete. The lack of tissue in my temporal lobe had the potential to “fix” whatever was wrong with it in the first place.

This could not be happening. I had waited too long to think of something and now the procedure was near over. My frantic thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of the men in lab coats.

“The tissue has been extracted, we’ll send the samples down the lab and close up the wounds now.” One of them explained to Doctor Odaire who was still pacing about the room. He muttered a quick thank you before finally sitting down as the first tear escaped my eye. Once again I had failed to do something right and this time the entire world would might pay for it. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep trying to find a way to escape the guilt.

I was woken by the voice of Doctor Odaire who was now standing beside me.

“Ah, you’re awake!” he grinned. “But not for long. . .” he trailed off. My face dropped at the choice of his words.

“The good news is that your DNA will be the foundation of a better society.” He smiled as I tried to reframe from throwing up. I felt sick to my stomach. “You know Mr. Walters, you don’t have to die today. . you could help me.” He shrugged.

“I’d rather die.” I spit out. The smile on his face disappears and is replaced with a scowl.

“Very well then. Your choice.” He breathed angrily before exiting the room. Did he really think I’d help his delusional ass? Not in a million years. Death was far better than having to tolerate him any longer than I already have. If I was going to die I was going to go out being brave. I wasn’t going to beg and plead for my life. I had come to terms with it and I had accepted it. It was a few minutes before the men in lab coats came back. One of them walked over to the corner of the room and began to dig through a small drawer. When he found what he was looking for he came back with a small syringe filled with a blue tinted liquid. I sucked in a deep breath as he pushed the tip of the needle into the IV that ran down into my arm.

“I hope you burn in hell” I spit out as I feel the liquid begin to run through my veins. It’s cold and makes me shiver. Instantly I feel dizzy, and my eyes start to feel heavy. I try to fight it off but I cant. My eyes slowly start to drift close and I am unable to stop it. I can hear the faint beep of the heart monitor begin to slow down until it eventually stopped just as I drifted into unconsciousness.

“Time of death 12:46 pm” is the last thing I heard.

David’s POV

I paced back in forth outside in the parking lot waiting for the body to come through. It cost  my entire life savings and part of Aiden’s to pull this plan off, but it’ll be worth it if it all falls through. I paced for a few more minutes before I started to worry. It shouldn’t be taking this long. Just when I was about to give up hope a man in a lab coat came strolling into the parking lot with Tyler’s body on a cart. Yes! It worked. I walked up to him with the briefcase by my side.

“Did it work?” I asked nervously.

He smiled and nodded as I breathed out a sigh of relief.

“The money?” He asked holding out his hands greedily. I opened the briefcase, showing him I had come through on my end. His eyes widened as he grabbed the briefcase and examined all the money inside.

“Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Ayres.” He said before closing the suitcase. I nod in response as he walks off towards his car. If he was smart, he’d be on the first plane he could find going out of the country. We were lucky he could be paid off so easily. Anyone else would have ran and told Doctor Odaire the second we got in contact with them. It cost us a quarter of a million dollars to get him to give Tyler a dose of Tetrodotoxin, a drug that simulates death, instead of the real stuff he had been ordered to give him by Scorpio. Tetrodotoxin lowers the heart beat to just one beat per minute making the pulse near undetectable. It was the perfect way to sneak Tyler out of there without getting caught.

I kept pushing the cart until we arrived at the van Aiden had drove. When I got there, everyone was standing at the back of it waiting. Their faces lit up when they saw me pushing the cart towards him. Aiden opened the van and Travis helped me lift the cart up and into it. Once we got it up in there,  everyone piled inside we drove off. Now, all we had to do was wait.

A/N: Only four more chapter left!! Although they're going to be a lot longer than what they have been. . . Anyways, go ahead and click that little star to vote for the chapter, and let me know what you think of the book in the comments!

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