Chapter 3 - Shots Fired [Part 1]

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I had never really met another evolutionary before. If I had, I just didn’t know it. I couldn’t help but feel excited! Finally there was someone who I could relate to, and be myself around without worrying if they would go to Scorpio with my secret.

“Hey!” I called over to him telepathically. He turned around and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw me walking his way. Without a word, he awkwardly snatched his gym bag and shuffled out the door. “Hey wait up!” I yelled into his mind, chasing after him. As I entered the crowded hallway I could see him pushing his way through the crowd and turning left towards the cafeteria. I knew how much of a stalker I must look like right now but quite frankly I could care less. Besides, he needed to know that Scorpio was after him. Better me catch him than them. Scorpio was ruthless and would literally tear him to shreds.

I fought my way through the crowd and continued down the lunch hall where I saw him go. After a few more twists and turns he had finally made it to the last empty hallway that led to the exit doors at the back of the school. He had just grabbed the door and began to open it when I slammed it closed with all force my mind could muster. I was tired of running and he was starting to piss me off. All of this running was unnecessary, I just wanted to talk! “Just wait!” I panted.

“Stay away from me!” He growled through clenched teeth, taking a step closer. There was only about ten feet between us now.

“I’m trying to help you.” I said wiping the sweat that was beginning to accumulate on my forehead.

“I don’t need your help!”

“Oh really? Then why is Scorpio looking for you?” I asked sarcastically

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh nothing... Just that an agent from Scorpio asked about you this morning. He said that if I saw you, I should give this little number a call...” I said flaunting the small business card the agent had given me earlier. “Maybe I should” I continued, slowly whipping out my phone.

“The hell you will!” he snarled, lunging towards me. I could barely even think of a rebuttal before he tackled me to the ground. I struggled profusely trying block to the blows he sent crashing down at my face. The first hit grazed my eye, but the second rattled my jaw. This guy was strong. As he tried to land another punch, I sent a shockwave of force up towards his torso and he went flying back into the wall.

I had just gotten up when he came charging back at me. I braced myself for impact but it never came. Instead, he stopped running halfway and threw his hands up with a force that sent me catapulting into the wall. He held his arm out and squeezed his hands closed, his gaze focused on me. Suddenly I could feel his powers constricting around my neck, cutting off my circulation. I knew my face was turning near purple as I struggled to breathe. He took a step closer to me and raised his arm lifting me up off my feet. He had this demonic look in his eyes as he tightened his grip even more, choking the life out of me...literally. My veins began to bulge out of my neck and I could feel a slight ooze of foam drip from my mouth. If he didn’t let up soon, I was going to die. For what though? All I wanted to do was get to know this guy, and warn him that some psycho organization was after him. I guess the whole phone stunt was a bit of an overkill, but it wasn’t enough to get me killed. He wasn’t really going to kill me was he?

Just as I began to lose consciousness there was a sound from the door. I couldn’t tell what it was, but it was enough of a distraction for him to loosen his grip. With all the mental strength I could muster I forced his hand down, dropping myself to the floor in the process. I lay on the floor panting ferociously trying to catch my breath as I looked to see who had entered the hallway. It was a tall man in an all-black suit and I recognized his face instantly. He had dark blonde hair, brown eyes, and a sheer look of determination on his face. It was Agent Finch, the Scorpio agent who talked to me this morning. This time however, he had his gun drawn and pointed at the deranged evolutionary that had been choking me to death.

“Put your hands up Jeremy!” He roared. So that was his name, Jeremy. The named seemed to jog my memory as images of the little wanted paper appeared in my head. It had said he was wanted for using his powers in public and assaulting a police officer after he had got caught stealing.

“No, how about you put the gun down!” Jeremy snarled as he sent the gun sailing down the hall. Without missing a beat, he pulled Agent Finch towards him and landed a nice right hook across his face. The hit sent Agent Finch staggering back into the wall with a loud thud. He gained his balance quickly, just as Jeremy charged him. Stealthily, Agent Finch threw his body to the ground and kicked his foot out, knocking Jeremy's feet from under him. In the same motion, he spun back up on his heels while pulling gun from his waistband. Without any hesitation, he aimed at the stunned Evolutionary and pulled the trigger.

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