Sidney Crosby

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It was finally summer vacation! Me and my friends were going to head down to the beach because it was the perfect day to relax and chill. Once I had set up my chair and changed into my swimming suit I put on some sun lotion so I won't get burned while tanning. I tried to relax in peace but my friends kept talking and talking about hockey. Apparently they were sad that the "season" ended and how the missed hockey already. I didn't really pay much attention to hockey I guess. I wasn't a fan like my friends, In fact I only knew like 4-5 teams and a few players. It wasn't that I didn't like the sport I just didn't watch it. My friends also got I to there swim suits, finally done taking about hockey. I closed my eyes and just relaxed in the sun. My Friend (y/f/n) woke me up taking her phone out .. "Selfiee" she said loudly. Okay? She woke me up to take a selfie. Typical (y/f/n) I thought. I didn't even think about going back to take a 'nap' or whatever you call it. I just took out a magazine and started to read. Suddenly I heard my friends screaming ( really loud ) I jerked out my chair and looked up to see what they were screaming at ...

Sidney freaking Crosby. I was speechless. My mouth hanged wide open clearly surprised. Wow. See the thing was I didn't really find hockey players attractive. More like fat, sweaty wide but strong. But Sidney was different. He wasn't fat in fact he was really hot. I had always had a little thing for him. I didn't now much about him or I wasn't a big fan I just thought he was cute and well according to the 'stats' or whatever you even call it. He was one of the - or the best player In the world. I guess I looked stupid hanging there with my mouth open. Oh my god. My friends took out there cameras and ran I could hear them screaming "OMG I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH", "CAN WE HAVE A PICTURE". He just smiled widely. "Sure thing girls" he said. Awe that smile. I just stood there with a goofy smile on my face. Was I freaking out? "(Y/n) keep your "cool". "Chill it's just a hockey player" I said, "(Y/n) COME HERE" both my friends screamed. "No I'm going to stay here .. " I said. They just gave me a "what the hell" look? I got up because I wanted to get a drink. I felt like drinking a smoothie I guess. I fixed my hair and went. Obviously Sid was still there. Wait when did I start calling him "sid". Whatever I just shook it off. I stood in line for about 3 minutes "next" said the cashier. I ordered a strawberry and banana smoothie. My favourite. "Put it on me" I heard a voice say. I turned around. It was Sidney smiling at my direction. Wait what. I turned around to see if he was looking at someone. Nope no one behind me. I looked back at him. "Hi" he said. What the hell. Why did Sidney Crosby just say hi to me. Well maybe he's trying to be Friendly I thought. "Er hey" I said nervously. "Why'd you say put it on me?" I asked wondering. "Oh it's nothing" he shrugged. "Can't I pay for a beautiful girl like you" he said winking. Nah you know one of the worlds best player just payed for my drink and called me beautiful is that a big deal? OF COURSE IT F*****G IS. "Ohh, thankyou you're so sweet" i said smiling. "It's not very often I find extremely beautiful girls like you, more of slutty" he said shaking his head. I feel like a princess right now. "Aw oh my god stop" I said blushing. He just quietly laughed. "Well I know we've barley met but.. Would you like to go out for di-iner, like a-a date?" He asked getting quiet at the end. "Yeah sure" I said. There was a moment of silence. "I'll pick you up at 8, I want to get to know you" he said. "Oh and put your number on my phone please" he said with a cheeky smile on his face. I just laughed. He gave me his phone "oh I put my address on it too because I'll be staying at a hotel" I said "okay I'll see you at eight then?" He said. "Yeah". "Alright bye for now" he said getting up. "Bye" I said. Oh my god. I was speechless. This was the best moment of my life. I just couldn't wait to tell my friends. I took my smoothie and went to find my friends. I knew the tonight was going to be the best night. Ever.

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