Zach Parise

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I was just about to get ready to go to the movies with my boyfriend Zach Parise. He was whining how we never go out together, which was a lie because we went out together almost everytime he was free. I took a shower and decided to let my long light brown hair loose. I put on a light amount of makeup, a necklace Zach got me for my birthday and a few bangles. I wore a romper that was navy blue and had little flowers, I topped it with a long white cardigan that went up to my thighs and a pair of brown sandals. I quickly grabbed my purse and phone checking if I had everything and headed downstairs. "About time you're ready" Zach said getting up from the couch. "By the way you look beautiful" he added winking. "Oh shut up Zach you're not any quicker" I said playfully slapping his arm. He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He opened the door for me. I just laughed, he looked nervous? Oh well. The car ride was mainly Zach trying crack up jokes which he terribly failed at. Once we arrived to the theatre Zach opened the door for me again and led me into the theatres. It was a Saturday night so the line to but tickets was huge! Zach told me to wait in line so he could go check on something. I waited playing a game on my phone. When I heard someone call my name. I looked up to see Matt one of Zachs team mate waving at me and walking towards my way. "Hi" he said, "Wait when did you get a hair cut ?!" I said surprised. "My girlfriend told me it was about time to." He said. "Anyways I just stopped to say hi" he said and turned around to leave. Within minutes Zach came running to me and pulling me out of the line. "I

Got two tickets to The Fault In Our Stars!" He said, "Yes finally we get to watch a movie that seems proper" I said making Zach roll his eyes. "C'mon it starts in 15 minutes" Zach said pulling me. We entered the theatre. It was empty and quiet and all the lights were off. I walked more into the theatres thinking Zach was in front of me. I put my arms out to notice no one was there. "Zach" I called out worrying. "Zach if this is a joke it's not funny." I said worrying. Soon the lights went on and I looked up and saw Zach with roses and a ring bending down. Is this really happening? I thought in my head.


(Y/N) you are the love of my life, the first day I met you I knew that you were the one. The one that would stay with me during my ups and downs, the one would care for me when something was wrong. Everyday you make me smile and I am truly the luckiest man alive to have a girl like you in my life. You are the reason I do what I do and carry on. You're the only person who can put up with me. You always know what to do when there's something wrong. I'm completely in love with you (Y/n). Everything about you. Your blue eyes that shine in the light, your long brown hair that falls over your face. The way you laugh when I attempt my lame jokes. I can go on forever about you. Honestly I'm truly grateful for you and I never want to loose you. I love you.

I started I tear up.

(Y/n) will you marry me?

He said opening a box which revealed a shining diamond ring.

"Yes! Of course" I said crying and hugging him tight.

"You just made my life." "Litteraly" he said.

The rest of the day we watched the movie and went for dinner. It's been such an amazing day and honestly I couldn't ask for a better person in my life.

Guys I know this is short but it just came to mind ! Anyways thankyou for 600+ read you guys are truly amazing. I love you all. I've gotten a lot of requests so I'll be going those later:$ Byeee please get me to 1k soon :)

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