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(The next morning)

I open my eyes, and instantly wince as the light antagonizes my searing headache. Great, a hangover. Looking down I don't see my gray and black plaid sheets, but blue and green ones. As my mind whirs to life taking in my surroundings I realize I'm not alone. I look over to see phil. And he's naked! And he has his arm under me! I'm laying next to a naked Phil, this should be wrong, but why do I love it so much?! Suddenly memories of the night before come flooding back and I freeze as I reminisce. I remember the kiss, and the feeling of his hands on my bare chest and— I lift the covers gently to solidify my suspicions, yep, I'm naked.
I lay for a moment staring at Phil, the sunlight pouring into the room from the slightly cracked curtain. He's so beautiful. The way the light reflects off his pale skin, contrasting his messy black hair. I memorize every inch of his frail figure until he begins to stir. I cuddle up into his arm and breath in the scent that fills me with peace, like clean clothes, sugar, and his favorite cedar wood candle. I stay like this, stroking his arms, his hair and his chest unconsciously until a tug in my abdomen calls me towards the toilet.
Begrudgingly, I crawl out of bed to stand. A searing pain shoots up my arse as I fall back down on the edge of the bed. More memories of last night begin to crawl into my consciousness as I limp into the bathroom. After I pee, I walk over to the sink where I begin to brush my teeth, mind racing with thoughts of Phil. Until a moaning from the other room shakes me from my thoughts. I look up to see Phil leaning against the bathroom doorway in all his beauty.

"Come back to bed, bear"

"Be there in a sec, lion"

He moved slowly, walking into the bathroom and hugged my waist from behind, resting his face in the crook of my neck. Staying there for an annoyingly short amount of fun. He gently kisses the fresh marks on my neck before giving my waist another squeeze and heading back to bed.
I finish up brushing my teeth and as I'm about to leave the bathroom, something in the mirror catches my eye. I look closely, could it have been? I take in a surprised gasp as I pluck the gray hair from the top of my head. I rush back into Phil's room where I'm ambushed. Phil jumps from behind the door and wraps his arms around my waist. Tilting his head up to meet my lips, just above his, he places a gentle kiss to my lips, then my jaw. He stares at me for a few seconds, brushing his hands along my collarbones and torso all the way down to my hips. Until he looks back at my face, his strikingly beautiful eyes taking me by surprise. Slowly he reaches a hand up and points to his bangs. I look closely, confused. Then I see it. A single, gray, hair, peaking out of his jet black locks.

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