Chapter 1

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"NO! NO MORE ADVENTURES! I WANNA GO HOME!" Y/n shouted as she bolted towards the portal gun.

Morty quickly grabbed Y/n by her waist and yanked her back.

"No! Y/n! Y-you-you can't go back! They know who you are! We're all in the same bubble right now!" Morty said as he clenched Y/n's shoulders.

"No! No! You all dragged me into this!" She shouted.
"Whoa! He's the one that dragged us into this!" Summer exclaimed as she pointed at Rick whom held an uninterested expression.

"Listen. You-you alERRRUP-you all need to shut the fuck up! I can't think with all you guys nagging!"


"S-shut the hell up Beth!"

"Hey, don't talk my wife that way!"

"Listen you sorry excuse for a father! I don't need you getting in my way!"

"Grandpa Rick!"

"Shut the hell up Summer!"

"You guys we all need-need to calm down!" Morty shouted. But no one listened.

"Someone has to go out there!" Jerry said as he looked out the window.

"Have Y/n go she's the one with a pocket knife!" Summer shouted. Y/n glared at Summer.

"SUMMER SHUT THE HELL UP! HOW ABOUT YOU GO OUT THERE!" Y/n shouted as tried walking towards her. But Morty quickly grabbed her once again.

"HUH?! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" Summer shouted as she then glared at Y/n also making her towards her but was grabbed by Beth.

"You two chill out!" She shouted and scolded the two.

"Really Beth, I would understand the two we are stuck in a house hold and Rick is acting like he can't get us out." Jerry said. Rick just rolled his eyes.

"Rick! I wanna leave! Now!" Y/n shouted and stomped her foot. Morty whimpered.

"Y-Y/n, don't-don't test him," he said. Rick looked down at Y/n.

"Really Y/n! You're the main one who seem to bitch and moan most of the time, so why do it now?!"

"Because I am scared I wanna go home! I don't wanna go on anymore adventures!" Morty arms loosened from around Y/n as he looked at her and frowned.

"Then go! Go ahead the only way if we can leave is if you were to go out there!" He pointed outside. The pavement was cracked the sky was unnatural dark color and the trees withered.

Most of the houses were eldrich.

"But no you won't go out there! Because you're a selfish scared little bitch!"

"DAD!" Y/n looked at the floor. It was stained with dry blood and other dry substances.

"W-what-what, Beth?! You think I'm supposed to give a shit about her if she gets lost by some damn alien because she's just now deciding to complain?!" Rick shouted and glared at his daughter.

Beth bit her lip and rubbed her arm.

Y/n turned around and made her way to the door, she quickly started pulling the nailed down wooden slabs that was blocking the door.

"Y/n?" Summer whispered. Y/n ignored her as she tore the wooden slab off. And quickly unlocked the door.

"Y/n! Don't you dare go out there!" Beth shouted. Y/n opened the door and looked at Beth.

Rick and Morty and Y/n! (Rick and Morty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now