Chapter 12 (SneekPeak)

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"Oh, damn. Actually. We actually need that..." Y/n said as she gazed down at the device in her counterparts grip.

"Pft. Okay, and? You two are coming with me," GiBO stated as she snapped her fingers. Y/n and Morty heard shuffling. As two more figures stood beside GiBO. Y/n heard Morty whimper in discomfort.

"Oh. Morty take this douche. Rick take, Y/n." GiBO ordered. Y/n snapped her gaze to the Rick look alike. He looked exactly like Rick. So to Morty.

The Rick took a step towards Y/n, Y/n quickly picked up the nearest she knew would at least cause a distraction.
The keyboard.

Y/n bucked the keyboard at the Rick who stumbled back. Y/n quickly grabbed Morty's arm and dashed out the room. It wasn't long before the two heard footsteps trailing after them.

"Who were they?!" Morty exclaimed. Y/n looked at him and shrugged as the two left the filled hotel with various people looking at the two.

"I don't know! I thought you'll be used to this kind of stuff now! Hell, I'm still new!" Y/n stated. Y/n looked around and didn't see the three.

"Okay, we need to find, Rick. And the others. Where were they supposed to be?" Y/n said quickly as she slid into the alleyway with Morty. The two ducked behind a dumpster.

"I-I think, that Miami version of Rick's club to use his portal gun, but we'll never make there in time," Morty said as he looked away from the streets and towards Y/n.

He suddenly held a soft expression.

"Wait! Your gloves, just-just make a portal from them. Those things make practically everything." Morty suggested as he looked down at Y/n's hands. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"Morty, I can barely use these things while thinking straight, like these things are hard to c-"  Morty slapped Y/n across the face she froze as she stared the brunette.

She rose her hands. Morty heard the sickening crack coming from her hands. Y/n then flew her hands towards Morty's neck only to stop seeing the familiar purple hue.

"Thank god..." Morty sighed in relief.


👀✌ enjoyed that? Well, the chapter should be out soon...guaranteed.

Seeing that school almost out.

Fucking hurray.

I need to get back to updating this story.

Buuut. I need ya'll help.

My cousin looking for a job and she 14 and she tryna work with me at this Amusement park for the summer called Six Flags.

So. .. . . it said 15 years of age. And her birthday next month. Would they still hire her? Cuz she asked me while I was working at the game station and I'm like.


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Shiiit..IDK Lil homie.

So. Will they hire her?

Rick and Morty and Y/n! (Rick and Morty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now