Chapter 11

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A/n: UH. I ni🅱🅱a been gone. But I am here now. Cuz recently. I just got casted in a musical by this guy that wanted me to be in it. At first I was doing Sister Act. But when I'm finish with that. I gonna transfer to his place, where I will be casted. Once a.fucking.gain. so. I was like 👀👀👀👀👀 I get paid tho?
So, yeah.

PS. I was reading ya'll comments. I was lurking.


"Okay...Y/n...Check...Morty...Check...Mrs. L/n...Check,"

Summer was checking off everyone's name from a paper she made, she jotted everyone's names down, and made sure, everyone was with eachother.

Y/n was laying on the hood of the van next to CM. She waited for everyone to get ready, it was hot as hell outside, it felt like the sun rays were stabbing right through Y/n's skin.

She tried fanning herself, but it wasn't any help.

"Summer, quicken the speed! It's hot!" Y/n whined. Summer just looked down at Y/n and then at the clipboard.

"Well, it's not my fault we have so many people," she said. Y/n shook her head, she heard CM chuckle beside her.

After about 5 minutes of pure absolute hell, Summer was finished writing and basically role calling everyone.

"Okay, that's everyone!" She said. Rick got up and walked over to the van.

"About damn time," He said.

Everyone piled into the van, waiting for the sweet AC to turn on and cool everyone down.
Rick pushed the vans keys into the ignition, and twisted it.

The cars engine started up, but soon failed.

"Oh shit..." Rick mumbled.

"Dad, what did you and Y/n do to the car?" Beth piped up. Y/n scoffed and looked at the lady.

"Me?!" She exclaimed. Rick just groaned and kicked the cars pedal.

"I think I destroyed the entire engine," Rick mumbled.

"Oh, so you're a damn genius, but you can't fix a car?" Y/n questioned as she leaned in the front between Rick and Beth as she looked at him.

Morty laughed quietly under his breath.

"Uh--I..." Rick tried to muster up words. But couldn't. It were as if his brain shut down on him.

" don't know how to fix cars?" Y/n questioned. Rick fell silent, Y/n looked behind her and to her alternative cop Rick.

"Do you know how to fix a car?" She questioned.

The Rick just looked at her and then out the window.

"Wonderful, day we're having..." He quickly changed the subject.

Y/n then looked at the Ricks eviler version. He saw it coming as he looked down at Y/n with a blank look.

"Don't fucking talk to me," He blankly said. Evil Morty just looked up at his Rick and then at Y/n.
Y/n put her hand over her mouth as she looked at the three.

"Are ya'll...serious?" She slowly said.

" god, Grandpa Rick, you can't fix an engine?" Summer jutted in.

"Shut up, Summer, I focus on science, not some damn transportational lifeform," Rick shot. Y/n just laughed as she almost hurled out her seat.

"Shit, it's too hot for this, Everyone out!" Rick shouted as he opened the door. Y/n opened her side of the door. Trying to choke down her laughter.

Rick and Morty and Y/n! (Rick and Morty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now