Chapter 1

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Stan's POV

It's been a few years now me and the guys are now in South Park High, we still managed to get ourselves in bizarre messes though and we were still as tight. Me and Wendy had broken up at the start of the year the guys helped me a lot and I own them big. Today the guys were coming over to play good band hero, none of us sung but we were killer on our chosen instrument; Kenny on bass guitar, Cartman on Drums and Kyle and myself on guitar. After an hour the door went I raced to answer it and let the guys in and we began to set up the living room.

"You guys wanna try the new song we unlocked?" Kyle asked swing the guitar strap over his shoulder and adjusting it.

"Sure dude, lets kick some ass" Kenny muffled plugging his bass in. I clicked down to the new song and pressed the green button to select it. We watched as our avatars walked on stage the crowd cheering for us, the game giving us a count in of four before the colour bars came up on the screen. We were shredding the crowd meter hitting the far end of green half way into the song. We unlocked two more songs after that before we decided to take a break. Cartman and Kenny sat on the couch pulling out their phones while Kyle helped me with the drinks and snacks.

"No fucking way! GUYS GET IN HERE!!!" Cartman squealed, me and Kyle stared at each other for a second before dashing into the room hands full of snacks and soda, we dumped it on the table and then crowed around Cartman's phone as a video played for the new band hero game. The new game had so many cool features and allowed you to play against other bands world wide.

"That's sick dude" Kyle announced

"Shh! listen" Cartman snapped as the founder of company popped up at the end.

"This it's coming up for our company's tenth anniversary we are also holding a battle of the bands for people between 15-25 with a grand prize of 2,000 dollars! To find out more head to our website and remember to keep on rocking" The ad then faded to black showing the logo before it ended. We all sat their gocking before scrambling to my computer to find out more. Scrolling through the information we learned the date of auditions and how to sign up, clicking on the link to sign up we started printing our information but then stopped when we got to the rules; 1) You must be between 15-25 to play. 2) You must have at least 5 members in your band. 3) All members must play real instruments.

"That sucks dude we only meet one of the rules!" I wailed jumping out the seat.

"Come on Stan we can find someone easily" Kyle said trying to reassure me.

"Yeah and were already killer with the electronic instruments I'm sure we'll be natural on the real thing, how hard can it be?" Cartman replied. I thought for a minutes and looked at the date of the deadline to sign up we had a week, we should be able to find another member by then and all we have to do is practice on real instruments for the first audition which was in a month.

"... Alright, but we have to find someone soon, does anyone know someone who is wiling to join?" I ask the boys looked through their contacts for someone.

"I know Token and Butters but we already have a bass and drummer player, do we really need another?" Cartman questioned, that was true what we really needed was a singer, but who?


My alarm rings alerting me that it was time to get up. I swing my legs over the bed and let the cold wooden floor cool my skin before grabbing a towel and heading for a shower. It's been about two weeks since me and dad moved here away from the exciting city life we use to have, South Park High is a great school all the teachers are so nice -well to me anyway- they even let me use the music room after school as long I leave when the staff do, but what's all that if you have no friends to share it with. I've been there for long enough to at least have one friend but no it's like they don't even know I exist... After my shower and I quickly blow dry my (H/L - Hair Length) (H/C - Hair Colour) and style it, I open my closet and pick an outfit before heading down stairs. My dad was sitting down with a news paper drinking a cup of coffee.

In the Band- Stan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now