Chapter 2

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Today was the grand opening of the music store or the jam station as my father named it, we had woken up early to prepare my father was so excited, I was happy for him I just hoped it took off but I wasn't worrying the whole town was talking about Guitar hero coming to hold auditiions hereof all places, a quiet little moutain town but you never know where talent is hiding. I blew up some bollons and attachet them by ribbon across the gutter with help from a lader while papa sweeped the floor and set up some instruments for the public to try. The moment was finally here we had a que waiting outside my father opened the doors for buiness and we both welcomed everyone in having a crowd of all ages the young ones heading straight for the instruments which was my station while my father maned the till and talked to the more mature adults. I helped the younger ones hold the heavy instruments the correct way so they wouldn't hurt themselves and remined them if they wanted to learn an instrument to sign up for lessons starting Tuesday. Around lunch the crowd started to die down, I thought I should keep the shelves stocked so I went into the back where my dad was fixing some instruments people brought in earlier I stayed as quiet as I could so not to disturb him and made my way up back to the main floor but awaiting me was a crying boy.

"Oh hey there buddy, whats wrong are you lost?" I asked in a calming voice as I quickly set the stoke down on the shelve and sat down beside the crying chld, he looked a little different from the other kids I've seen maybe he was a exchange student or something. After I had managed to find out his name was Ike and that he got separated from his brother and his friends. I managed to find his brother on facebook and messaged him saying that Ike was in the new store around the coner from Tweek's coffee shop, I got a reply shortly after saying he was on his way.

"Well don't worry Ike your brother is on his way" you said smiling down to him and watched as his eyes travel to a guitar that was resting in a stand, I smiled having an idea to help the time pass by.

"You wanna learn how to play guitar Ike?" I asked getting a very over acted shake of the head which made me giggle and set him in a seat and gave him the guitar and I sat next to him with my own. I showed him a beginner song and used the colour string method to help him remember what strongs to strumb, he was picking it over very well.

"That 's it you got it Ike well done!" I cheered and clapped seeing the biggest smile I have ever seen so proud of his achievement not even noticing half an hour had passed and the door opened shortly after.

"Ike you in here?" a vouce shouted as a group of boys rushed in the boy wearing the bright green hat hugged Ike tight and scolded him for running away.

"Thanks I hope he was no trouble" Kyle thanked turnng to me

"Not at all, I'm glad he found you ummm sorry I don't know your name" I replied he then went on to introduce himself and his friends the fat one being Eric Cartman, the boy in the oranger parker was Kenny and lastly my heart stopped as I truned my gaze to Stan Marsh. Don't for the love of God Y/N don't act weird.

"It's nice to meet you all I'm Y/N" I replied back I could feel my cheeks starting to nurn but thanks to Ike everyone turned their attention to him as he started to play the song her learned, the boys looked amazed I was also amazed that he had picked it up so quickly I clapped once he finished making him laugh.

"Ike where did you learn how to.." Kyle started Ike smiled smugly proud that he had amazed his older brother and the others.

"Y/N taught me" he simply said and wondered over to the sign up sheet for more lessons.

"Hehe you'll be a rock star in no time Ike" I said giving him a highfive the boys still shocked.

"Umm are you guys okay?" I questioned which seemed to snap them back to reality.

In the Band- Stan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now