♚ NOTE ♔

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I'm not a professional writer. This book contains lots of typographical errors. If you're expecting too much from this book. Don't. It might disappoint you.

Second, I created this for my own way of escape from reality. You could say this is my second world. I'm happy you are reading this that you also exploring the craziness of my wonderful mind. Welcome! Have some fun. Haha

English is my second language. So bare with me. I'm not totally fluent, okay?

If you are going to read this just to criticize or bash. I don't make a fuss about it sure go nobody's stopping you but mark this: I'm not creating this whole book for you.

Thank you for giving this time though! All the characters you are going to meet soon are truly pleased to have you. Be a part of the family. Be a supporter!

#QueenKnight ♚♔♚

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