Chapter 4

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Eva moaned as she woke up and tried to move, sleeping on the cement floor of the warehouse with only a couple of blankets had left her extremely sore. Sitting up and stretching her back as well as she could Eva glanced around the warehouse and noticed Thundercracker standing near one of the large doors.

Slowly getting up and stretching she decided she had nothing better to do so she forced down what little fear they still caused and walked towards him.

"What do you think you're doing up? You are not to be up walking around without Starscream's permission," he said when he noticed her.

Eva glared up at him, "Well I don't see him around and I need to stretch, if you don't like it, shoot me!" she said defiantly.

"Shouldn't you be afraid of me?" Thundercracker asked sounding a little shocked and irritated by her attitude.

"Well let's see, it's already been made quite clear to me that there's a good chance I won't survive carrying the monster that's inside of me and if I do survive then I'll be imprisoned for the rest of my life. I'm going to either die or have a life worse than death to look forward to, why should I be afraid of you? The worse you can do to me is kill me and at least if you do then I don't have to suffer any longer and it'll ensure that one less of your kind comes into the world," Eva replied.

"I could easily break a few of your bones without killing you," he replied.

"Sure and put that extra stress on my body and risk killing the little monster? I highly doubt you would do that," Eva replied with more confidence than she felt.

Before Thundercracker could reply Starscream walked back into the warehouse, "What is she doing up? I told you not to let it be up and moving around while I was gone," Starscream demanded.

"You try controlling it when it's not half conscious from blood loss and then, if you do any better you can complain," Thundercracker replied.

Starscream looked down at Eva, "Get back over to your bed and stay there until I tell you to move," he ordered.

"Make me," she replied defiantly walking in the opposite direction and sitting down on some crates.

Starscream stood there rather shocked for a moment, "I said get over there now!" he ordered angrily.

"Go jump in a trash compactor," she replied before turning her back to him.

"She knows we won't hurt her as long as the sparkling is alive and seems to have no fear of us," Thundercracker told Starscream over their comlink.

"Why couldn't it have been a normal human that would have cowered in fear and obeyed without question?" Starscream asked.

"Because that would have made it too easy and Primus must hate you for some reason," Thundercracker replied then out loud asked, "Did you find a better place to keep the human?"

"Why don't you just let me go home, it would be less stressful on me and therefore better for the little monster," Eva suggested.

"And risk you running away and telling the Autobots what I'm trying to do? I don't think so," Starscream replied, "I've found an abandoned house in a large forest north of here, it's remote enough if she tries to escape she won't survive long enough to get anywhere she can contact other humans. We will need to pick up more supplies to take care of her though," he told Thundercracker.

"We could always go back to my house for supplies, I doubt anyone has noticed I'm missing yet," Eva said, hoping that if she could get back to her house she could at least find a way to let someone know what had happened to her.

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