Chapter 5

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Merry Christmas!

Once Thundercracker had everything he could carry Starscream helped Eva back into his cockpit and they took off.

The farther they flew the more remote the area below them became, small towns and farm land changing to thick forests with fewer and fewer roads.

"Hey bird brain, I think you should land for a while," Eva said after a while.

"Why on earth would I do that? And stop calling me bird brain, my name is Starscream," he told her.

"I don't feel so good, I think I need to get out of here for a while," she told him.

"We'll be there in few minutes, you can get out then," Starscream replied.

"I really think I need to get out now," she said.

"Well too ba-" he stopped suddenly as something warm and slimy hit his control panel, "Why you disgusting little insect, how dare you-"

"Oh shut up, I tried to warn you and if you don't land now and get me out of here the smell is going to make me throw up again," she told him.

Starscream reluctantly but quickly landed and opened the cockpit. Eva climbed out onto his wing before he could activate his holoform, once he activated it he helped her down then transformed.

After a moment of staring disgustedly at his chest he shut his cockpit and said, "Come here," as he leaned down to grab Eva.

"What are you doing?" she asked as he began to walk holding her in one hand while using the other to make sure no tree branches hit her.

"We're walking the rest of the way, it's not far, I have no way of getting that stuff out of my cockpit here and I certainly don't want any more of it on me. You humans are disgusting creatures," he told her.


After a few minutes of walking Eva could see a lake through the trees, "Is the house near that lake?" she asked trying to keep her mind off of her stomach.

"Yes, the house sits back in the trees at the edge of it," he replied.

"Um, how about we take a break," Eva suggested as she began to feel like she was going to throw up again.

"We're almost there, why would we stop now?" Starscream asked as he continued to walk.

Eva turned to glare at him then moved to the side of his hand closest to his chest, "I don't think it was the flying that made m-" she stopped suddenly as the rest of her breakfast suddenly hit Starscream's chest. After a few dry heaves she looked up and couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction as he had suddenly let out a startled yelp and held her out away from his body as the stuff dripped down through the openings in his armor and into the exposed wires.

"You did that on purpose!" Starscream accused angrily.

"I asked you to stop," Eva replied simply.

"You could have done that off the other side of my hand instead of down my chest," he said.

Eva grinned evilly up at him, "What fun would that have been, if I'm going to throw up I might as well get some entertainment out of it."

"I hate humans," Starscream muttered as he started walking again.

"I can assure you the feeling is mutual," Eva replied.


As soon as they stepped out of the trees Thundercracker walked over to them, "Take her to the house," Starscream said handing Eva to him.

"What is that smell?" Thundercracker asked.

"That's what happens when you don't put me down as soon as I ask you too. Isn't that right, bird brain?" Eva called cheerfully as she watched Starscream walk out into the lake.

"Just take that disgusting thing to the house, now!" Starscream called back sounding like he was about ready to kill someone.

"What exactly did you do to him?" Thundercracker asked quietly enough Starscream wouldn't be able to hear him.

"I threw up on him," Eva replied.

Thundercracker didn't respond for a moment and looked distracted, "Are you okay?" Eva asked.

After another second he started laughing quietly, "No wonder he's so upset. And yes, I'm fine, I was looking up the meaning of 'throw up," he told her.

"Looking it up?" Eva asked.

"Yes we can link into your internet to get any information we might need about your kind," he explained as he set her down in front of a small cabin.

Eva walked in and grimaced at the condition of the place, there was a combination kitchen and living room, a bedroom and luckily a bathroom, all of the plumbing was hand pumps, but it was better than nothing. Everything had a thick coating of dust and cobwebs hung all over the place. There was a large fireplace with a large iron kettle hanging in it, an old iron cook stove, a large sink and a small section of counter with a couple of cupboards, "This is just going to be great," she said looking out at the sky through a hole in the ceiling.

As she stepped back outside Starscream was just walking towards the house, "Hey puke pit, if you expect me to stay in there you need to get a ton of cleaning supplies and get it cleaned out, because if the dust and crud in there doesn't kill me, it'll at least make me sick."

"Puke pit?" Thundercracker asked.

"Yeah, he had a cock pit full of puke, puke pit. Anyways he did say to stop calling him bird brain," she replied.

"If that sparkling dies I am going to make sure you suffer the most unimaginably long and painful death possible," Starscream told her.

"Yeah, well until then you'd better get busy, puke pit," Eva said patting his foot with her hand before walking down to the edge of the lake.

"You know I bet she'd get along great with Skywarp, think he'll make it to earth anytime soon?" Thundercracker asked.

"I hope not, I don't need some human giving him any ideas. Keep an eye on her and try to figure out if she's sick, we don't need her throwing up again and if I have to find medicine for her it would be nice to know before I come back. I'm going to get the rest of the stuff," Starscream told Thundercracker before taking off.

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