Chapter 6

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Eva looked at her surroundings, a large crystal clear lake surrounded by lush forests and no noise aside from birds and insects, if it weren't for the cabin the area would have looked like it had never been touched by man. Even with the cabin it easily felt as if she had been transported back to a slower more peaceful time in history. All in all not a bad place to spend whatever little time she had left to live before the sparkling killed her or she killed herself if she wasn't rescued.

Glancing back towards the cabin she noticed Thundercracker staring at her, "What are you staring at?" she demanded.

"Starscream told me to run some scans on you and try to figure out what was making you sick," he replied walking a little closer to her.

"Probably flying right after eating, either that or morning sickness, considering the size of the little monster when he put it in me who knows how it'll effect the timing of normal symptoms of pregnancy," she replied then watched silently as he got the same distant look on his face as he had when he had been looking stuff up on the internet before.

A second later he took a couple of steps away from her, "Great, remind me to not let him convince me to watch you again as long as you might have this 'morning sickness'," he said sounding rather disgusted.

"Men are such wimps, even giant alien robot ones. Don't worry right now my stomach is quite empty," she replied.

"I'm not a wimp, I saw and smelled what you did to Starscream and I have no desire to end up having to clean that out of my wiring," Thundercracker replied.


Once Starscream returned he and Thundercracker used their holoforms and cleaned out the cabin while Eva explored around part of the lake.

After walking about a fourth of the way around the lake in one direction Eva headed back towards the cabin and stepped in to see how the cleaning was going, "Don't forget to clean out the chimney and the flue on the stove, I'll need heat and a way to cook food," she told them.

"We'll get to it before we're done," Starscream replied sounding a little irritated.

"Good, oh and make sure you get all of the mold cleaned up from the areas where the roof leaks, some types of mold can make humans very sick or even kill them," Eva added.

"We will," Starscream replied sounding even more irritated as he dumped a dust pan of dirt from the floors outside.

"And make sure you completely sanitize the stove and counter, there have obviously been birds and probably small rodents on them, who knows what type of diseases I could catch from using them if you don't get them clean enough. You'll also need to fix the roof, if it starts raining all of my stuff could be ruined and I could end up sick."

"I already have something to take care of that," Starscream replied sounding as if he was barely keeping his temper under control.

Eva took a second to make sure she wouldn't start grinning about her ability to drive him crazy when he really couldn't do much about it, before she continued, "You also need to make sure there aren't any spiders left in here, I wouldn't want to get bitten by anything venomous."

Are you about finished!?" Starscream demanded angrily.

"Just one more thing," she replied.

"And what is that?" Starscream demanded.

"As long as you're doing all this cleaning why don't we run into town and see if we can find you a nice frilly apron to wear while you clean, maybe something in bright pink or maybe something with lots of lace and red hearts to match your eyes," she said.

"If you don't get out of here right now I'm going to-"

Eva stepped up within a few inches of his face, "Going to what? Kill me? Hurt me? Do something to cause me even more stress than I'm already dealing with? What exactly do you think you can do to me that wouldn't risk causing trouble with the little monster?" Eva asked before turning and starting to walk back outside as the handle of the broom that had been in Starscream's hand snapped in two as he glared after her. Once outside she sat down on the small porch and listened for a while.

"Starscream breath before you over heat. We're just going to have to learn to ignore her attempts to irritate us if we're going to get through this with our processors intact," Thundercracker said.

"She should be terrified of us, willing to do whatever we tell her just to ensure she stays alive, not trying to irritate us," Starscream said.

"Maybe, but if you were being held prisoner, had absolutely no way of escaping and knew without a doubt that your captors wouldn't hurt you no matter what you did, would you just sit around and be an obedient well behaved prisoner?" Thundercracker asked.

Starscream let out a frustrated growl then barely audibly replied, "No, I'd make sure they'd rather be rusting in the pit than keep me prisoner."

"Which is probably exactly what she's trying to do, make us suffer as much as possible for taking her and I'd say she's putting some extra effort into annoying you since you're the one who put the sparkling in her. Just try to be patient and ignore it, there's not exactly anything else you can do without risking the sparkling," Thundercracker said.


By that evening the cabin had been completely cleaned out, fire wood brought in, a large army green tarp secured over the roof and all of Eva's things had been moved into the cabin.

Eva filled the large kettle in the fireplace with water then pulled out a small pot and a can of chicken noodle soup and started it.

Once she had finished eating she stepped out onto the porch, "Hey birdbrain I need your help inside," she called to Starscream who was sitting leaning back against some trees next to the cabin.

"What do you want now?" he demanded as his holoform appeared a foot in front of her causing her to jump back a couple feet.

Eva glared at him for a moment, "I need you to carry the water into the bath tub for me," she replied as she walked back inside.

Starscream reluctantly carried the heated water in for her and dumped it into the tub, "You do realize that's too hot for your weak skin to touch without being burned?" he asked.

"Of course, I'll add cold from the pump to get it down to the right temperature. I'm not going to try to cook myself to death, I'm sure I could come up with something a little faster and less painful if I wanted to kill myself. Now get out so I can take a bath. Why don't you make yourself useful and wash the dishes," she said as she shoved him out the bathroom door then closed it behind him.

As she removed her shirt she ran her hand over her stomach amazed by the fact that even the scar had disappeared. If it weren't for the robots holding her captive and the remaining bits of dried blood that still stained her skin she wouldn't have been sure it had really happened.

She slipped into the large old tub, laid back and let her mind wander, mostly to thoughts of how she would kill the thing growing inside of her if her life didn't depend on it surviving.

By the time she climbed into bed she broke down and cried herself to sleep as the fear for her own life, worry about how her family would handle her disappearance and general hopelessness she was feeling about the whole situation seemed to be all she could think about.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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