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(Tap to play song if it ends replay it or play your own music. Also if you like me add in music tell me in the comments and I'll add more.)

Mom and I walk into the mall and I follow her to a store. I look around and see well clothes, but nothing interests me. Mom sees this. "Coco want to go some were else," she asks. I nod. We go to Hot Topic and I smile. "Now this is my store," I say. Mom smiles and we look around. I grab 3 band shirts, 2 chokers, 3 anime shirts, and a bag cause mine's ripping apart. I pull out my sketch book and see how many pages I have left. 2. I tap Mom's shoulder. "Yes Coco," she says. "I only have 2 pages in my sketch book," I tell her. She looks around and sees some sketch books. "Over there," she says. I go over and pick one. I grab a Attack On Titan one and put it on the counter. We buy our stuff and leave. We eat and go on our way home, but mom takes a different turn. "Um mom you took the wrong turn," I tell her. "I know Coco," she says. I sit back into my seat and watch to sew where we're going. We pull up into a park in lot of a store. We go in and all I see is art stuff. I look at Mom and she smiles. "Follow me," she says. I follow her and she shows me a tablet. I look at her. "What this for," I ask. "Your birthday tomorrow," mom says. I smile. We buy it and finally head home.

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