Birthday Party and Crash Landing (Part 1)

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(This Jadien pic is life)

Its been 2 days since Jadien came and we've been drawling a lot. She asked me yesterday if she wanted me to do a video with her and I said Duh in a excided way. We did the video and she let me draw my character.

I'm in my room chatting with Jaiden about what her next video after the one I did with her should be, when someone knocks on my door. (In each Chapter soneone is gonna knock on the door xD) I get up and answer the door. "Coco, Miss. Jadien, we're getting ready for Coco's birthday party," Mom said. "I FORGOT ALL ADOUT THAT," I yell. I run to my closet and change.

Jadien puts on the same shirt and I smile. We all leave (and Ari) and go to the trampoline place. We get out the car and Dad, with some help by Jadien and I, grabs some of the presents I left for the party. We set up in pur party room, while mom gets the cake, and Julia and Joshuph go ahead and play with Mom's, Mother watches them. Me, Jadien, and Dad set everything up.  Jet is in corner I made him while we set up. We finish before everyone gets here and Mom comes back with the cake. Everyone gets here and we start the party. I meet the rest of the family, Jet gets loving, jokes are made, and then we do the cake and presents. I'm guessing its a trodision or something. But if its one siblings Birthday Nonna (Mom's mom) brings the other sibling a little gift. So Julia and Joshpuh get something as well. Joshpuh got a little hot weels car and Julia got a Shopkins Plush. What was funny is they went crazy, we all laugh. It was still really cute. Julia, Joshpuh, Jadien, and I got and "play" on the trampolines. Me and Jadien start playing tag. I hear a little like scream the crying. I turn and see Julia on the floor. I get there before anyone else.l, cause I slid to her. (Let's pretend the floor is slippery wood) I put her in my lap and calm her down. She's not crying but I can see she's still hurting. Mom getsbto us and takes Julia telling us we can continue "playing".

(I'm gonna make a Part 2 when I get on my friends bus SO BYEEE)

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