Chapter 10

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Beatrice's POV

I've never been to a principals office. Mainly because this is my first year at school but still. I've never done something this bad. I'm not saying I regret fighting Julia I just wish That it wasn't a big deal. The principal calls me in and I tell him my side if the story.

He ask a bunch if questions then yells at Julia. The whole conversation goes like this. "Julia, do you really think its ok to start a fight with a kid who has cancer? Is it really necessary. This school is a bully-free school..." It kept on and on and lucky guess I won. Julia has an in-school suspension for the three days straight.

I'm actually doing a little happy dance inside. When I get back to my locker there's a note on it. "Meet us in the gym after lunch, Louis" It's from Louis. Ok. All day I keep asking myself what do they want. Why wouldn't Harry put the note on my locker? After lunch I go down to the gym and Harry,Louis,Liam ,Zayn and Niall are all standing there. Harry presses a button on his phone and they all start singing.

They were singing to me. "That's what makes you beautiful..." They sounded so good. When they ended Harry cut the music off and I started clapping like crazy. It was weird but I was a weird person. Each if them hugged me. Harry went last. "You're beautiful, Inside and out." I beamed. We all went off to separate classes and finished the day. It was honestly one if the best days ever.

Harry's POV

As we are singing, I can literally see the tears forming in her eyes. When we finish she starts clapping. Everyone gives her a hug and I think about punching them because it was my idea to sing and she should hug me first.

Wait what? Ok that was really weird. As I'm hugging her I whisper "you're beautiful on the inside and out." We all go our separate ways and my day goes well. I think this is one of the best days ever.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Please vote and follow me. I'm updating more chapters really soon. Love you guys!

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