Chapter 29

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Beatrice's POV

I woke p super early today. I didn't know what to do.Matt was going back to school today and so was I and my mom was in the hospital. I had no way of getting myself and my brothers to school. I was about to just skip for like the 50th time this year when both of my brothers came stomping down the stairs with their backpacks slung over their shoulders. "Uh guys, I don't think you'll be going to school today." "Yeah we will, The neighbor is taking us. She offered yesterday." When did they talk to the neighbor? More importantly what neighbor? I barely knew any if the people we lived around but mean, they still get to school and I get to go too. I get to school 15 minutes late and slip through the door to Mr. Holladays class. I sit in my seat next to Harry. His back is turned to me. His friends are cracking up laughing at whatever he is saying. Im not paying attention. I get another detention so I have to stay after school today and tomorrow because of the one I missed from before. That means no one will be at home to watch Raymond and Roberto. This is just great. Mr. Holladay begins his boring lesson on geometry which I'm horrible at. I don't understand anything. In the middle of taking notes, Louis leans over. "Can I borrow a pencil?" He has his hand out and I feel like smacking it out of the way, but I don't want to be rude. I get out a pencil and hand it to Louis. "Thanks love." "...Your welcome." Love, what? I try to regain my focus when I am interrupted yet again. Julia is poking me in the back with her pencil. "What?" I ask. "I didn't do anything." She has this innocent face on. "Stop poking me with your pencil." "Im not" "You are" "Im not". "You are!" I yell. Everybody looks at me. "Mrs. Monroe. To the office at once." I hate Julia.

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