Chapter 1-The Job

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Adrien wasn't rich.

He didn't want his father's money.

He wanted to earn money himself, not just take his father's. He wanted people to not think of him as Gabriel Agreste's son, or just some rich model.

So he tried to get money himself by getting a job.

"Nino I'm telling you the world is trying to make me not have a job," wailed Adrien, flopping down on his bed.

Nino rolled his eyes, "Bro chill, your being over dramatic."

"Easy for you to say you've got like what 2 jobs," he moaned into the pillow.

"Yeah but dude, my main job is being a DJ. And the other job is only for summer break. And you know your not aloud to mention the 'Akuma' job!"

"Oh yeah I forgot your doing something illegal at Akuma," Adrien sat up.

"It's not illegal. It's just..."

Adrien interrupted him, "Just doing experiments in a huge building's basement, that nobody knows of. That includes the mayor, the police and everyone in Paris. Your right it's not illegal at all." Adrien said in his best sarcastic voice.

"Seriously dude at least I got 2 jobs, how many do you have again? Oh that's right 0," Nino smirked.

"Don't you sass me."

Nino laughed, "Anyway I got to go to you know where," Nino winked.

"Actually you never said where it was," Adrien pointed out.

"Well duh you know I can't, I would get fired for sure!"

Adrien smirked, "Yea I know I was just kitten."

Nino groaned, "Ugh you and terrible puns. You really need a new sense of humour. Anyway later!" Nino shouts while walking out the door.

"I think they're a-meow-zing!" He shouts back.

He heard a faint groan from Nino in the hall.


After Nino left Adrien's dorm, he went to his house to get his lab coat then went straight to the huge building he was talking about with Adrien.

When he arrived to the building he walk up to the door and click the buzzer on the wall. The person who answered was one of his co-workers Kim.

"Password?" he said.

"Dude it's me. Nino,"

"Sorry not the password,"

"Ugh. It's 'kwami' Kim," he answered.

"Right," Kim opened the door, "Nino what's up my man?"

"Seriously?" Nino said unimpressed.

"What?" but before Nino could answer he carried on, "Anyway your right on time, Hawkmoth is having a meeting in 2 minutes."

Nino whispered, "Thanks for telling me bro. Hawkmoth would have had my head if I wasn't their."

"Yeah, tell me about it. He is one strict man." Kim agreed.

"Yeah but bro don't you wonder why he is doing these experiments, I mean yeah we could get them to work but when this is done he can't sell these. It's illegal." Nino asked confused.

"Who cares we're getting money out of this. To me it doesn't even matter as long as we get paid. Am I right?" Kim grinned.

"Yeah dude, your totally right," Nino smiled. "We should head before he gets angry and I would rather not get in his bad side."

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