The Decision

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Adrien stood their speechless.

It was as if time itself had stopped, he didn't know what to think. He didn't know what to feel; shock, anger, confusion, sadness... But above all he was scared.

Millions of thought were buzzing in Adrien's head; if I stay would it really be possible to walk out of this experiment alive? Or would I just end up like Dave? But what if the experiment does actually work, who knows what I could be capable of. I'd finally have a purpose in life, I wouldn't just be known as Gabriel's son. And if I decide to walk out would I be able to escape or would I suffer the same fate as Lila? If I did escape would I be living in fear for the rest of my life always wondering if they'd find me? I would have to go into hiding.

"Ehhh... I'll... I'm not doing it!" He trembled.

HawkMoth was surprised and angry by his answer but did nothing to express it on his face, just showed his signature frown. He cleared his throat, "Are you sure, you know what will happen if you refuse." He looks at Adrien but his expression didn't change.

HawkMoth signed and closed his eyes disappointed. Seeing his chance, Adrien turned around and ran straight to the door as fast as he could. But he wasn't fast enough. Ivan and Kim blocked his way out destroying all his hopes of escape.

"I'm really disappointed in you Adrien," he tutted, "Nooroo, you know what to do," he gestured his hand signaling Nooroo.

Nooroo emerged from the shadows from the corner of the room. There was a blank expression on his faced but his eyes showed a glimpse of sorrow. He never considered himself to be a murderer, I'm just following orders it's just business, he kept telling himself as if to justify what he was about to do.

With a sigh, he raised his M9 shotgun and began to pull on the trigger.

"Aaaagggghhhh," whimpered Nooroo who just got attacked by a desperate Nino who was trying to save his best friend by knocking the gun out of Nooroo's hand. Nino was filled with adrenaline ready for a fight. But Nooroo did not react other than looking confused, this only made Nino even more on edge.

This only made HawkMoth madder, his face darkening.

"Wait! Please wait! Please don't kill him! I'll do it! I'll do it! Just don't shoot him!" Adrien Shouted from across the room. Relief spread across Nino's face, but he felt guilty for ever dragging Adrien into this mess.

Adrien was amazed at what his friend was doing for him, but he couldn't let his friend go through that. Nino was his first and best friend since nursery and now he is risking his own life for him. Adrien couldn't help but think it was his fault, If I had just said no to you Nino, you wouldn't be risking your life to save mine. It's all my fault!

HawkMoth looked at Nino, "I can't have you do that Nino, you are too important in this operation. Nooroo stand down, Adrien has made an excellent decision." he turned towards Adrien, "tomorrow morning you will enter the machine but in the meantime Nooroo I want you to lock him in the seller we can't have him trying to escape again. Oh and Nino you are to have no contact with him until after the experiment. As for everyone else you will be under lock-down that means no one is to leave or contact anyone in the outside world. From this moment on you will all be under supervision." An eerie grin spread across HawkMoth's face sending shivers down everyone's spines.

A.N - Hey guys sorry for never updating in a while. If you have read the latest chapter 6 then I'm really sorry for not updating in the other sites i've been having writers block and been busy. I'm just the worst I will update soon hopefully! Bye =^.^= 

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