The Answer

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Adrien blinked at him, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "What... What do you mean you got me a job?"

Nino looks around in the hall eerily, to make sure nobody was around or listening in on their conversation. Once he made sure the coast was clear, he pushed Adrien away from the door, making him fall with a loud thud, then going inside and locking it.

Adrien look up from where he was on the floor rubbing is back, "Nino what the heck. Why did you just push me and why did you just lock the door?"

"Sorry bro but we shouldn't be talking about it in the open,"Nino answered.

"Talking about what? My new job? Nino your not making any sense." clear confusion showing on his face. Nino's phone made a noise showing he has a text.

Nino signed, "I think you should take a seat bro."

"I am sitting."

"Yea but maybe sit on something more comfy."

Adrien got up and sat on his bed. Then he began, "You know the job I have, the secret one?" Adrien nodded, "Well we got an experiment and we need a person to test it and I thought who better than you."

"Why can't one of you guys do it?"

"Well we're too busy, plus you get paid."

"What's the experiment?" he asked curiously.

"Well, the experiment is that you can choose any animal and you will get their abilities."

"What kind of abilities?" Adrien ask.

Nino thought for a moment, "If you choose lets say a monkey, you will have their ability to be good at gymnast." Adrien was thinking, "Plus I know you always did like cats, and you thought it would be cool to have cat like abilities when you were younger."

"Will it work?"

"Well Max said it will either work or nothing will happen at all." Nino was saying with a not so convinced look on his face.

Adrien felt like there was something Nino wasn't telling him, but before he could say Nino signed and said, "There is also something else."


"Well there is also a 5% percent chance that something bad would happen and we don't know what,"Nino confessed. "But Max the smartest one out of every one of my co-workers said it would not likely do anything bad, plus it's a slim chance."Nino replied.

"I need to think about it OK?"

"Sure but I got a text that says it starts at 8 o'clock so you have to think before that time. You are also getting paid about 3,500 pounds so that's an up bro," Nino gave a thumbs up. "Anyway I'll let you think... and sleep for that mater anyway c ya dude." Nino unlocked the door, look around, and then finally left.

Once Nino left, Adrien signed and fell on his bed exhausted. He was trying to think of his answer he was going to give Nino but didn't know what he was going to say. Would he take the job and have a 5% chance of something horrible happen to him but might not, and get money? Or was he going to say no to his best friend, get no money and miss having a chance to have cat like abilities?

Adrien screamed into his pillow. There was no way of having an answer like that at what... 1:45 now?

Adrien gave up and just slept that night he was too tired anyway.


Adrien was awakened by the sudden noise at his door that morning.

Adrien got up, stretch and walk to the door wondering who was knocking.

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