The Beginning

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A/N:-You know what's funny Adrien should of been in the experiment in chapter 3. Also thank you for the nice comments that i got they are really sweet. And thank you everyone and being patient for this chapter. =^.^=

HawkMoth dismissed everyone and told Kim and Ivan to dispose of Lila's body before he went to his office.

Nooroo pushed Adrien to the seller and locked him in. He didn't think he would try to escape because he would know his fate if he did try.

Adrien looked around the room, it was really small, the only furniture was a chair and a mirror, the paint was old, rough and dull. There was spider webs all over the place and the carpet was stained.

"Looks like nobody's clean this room in a while." Adrien whispered to himself then signed. "Just my luck." He sat down on the chair, closed his eyes and started thinking how all this happened.

After about ten minutes later he heard his name get called in a quiet voice. Thinking it was just his imagination he ignored it.

Then he heard it again.

He sat up and walked to the door, looking through it. At first he didn't see anything then out of no where pop out Nino.

"Nino what are you doing here? You might get caught." Adrien warned but was happy Nino came to see him anyway.

"Dude, I'm not just going to sit around here and watch my best friend risk his life for a guy in a mask. Plus he doesn't get to boss me around. I'm my own man," Nino said with his head held high.

"Thanks Nino that means a lot. But how are you going to get me out of here?"

Nino looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I have no idea. Yet," Adrien signed,"But I will think of something DJ's honer." Adrien smiled.

"Look bro I'm so sorry for what I've have done. This is all my fault. I should of never told you to do this. I-"

Adrien cut him off, "Nino it's not your fault. It's mine and HawkMoth's. And since I choose to do this I will finish that experiment."

"What bro no-"

"I have a better chance to survive doing this experiment than saying I won't do it. You know it just as much as I do."

Nino looked dejected, "There must be another way. I-"

They heard footsteps, Nino signed, "That must be Kim coming, I got to go. I promise I will find a way to stop this." then he ran away from Kim's direction, leaving Adrien back to his thoughts.


When Nino left Adrien alone he had a new goal. To help Adrien during this problem. He was walking down the corridor when he saw a shadow. He stop and moved towards the shadow slowly to see who the shadow belonged to then he heard talking, but there was only one shadow no one else was there. Duudddeeee is that a ghost? He crept closer and closer to find out it was Alya. He blow a sign of relive. Oh thank god it's just Alya. Wait!? Alya!? What's she doing here? He took a closer look, and found out she was on her phone. What! She not aloud to have her phone."

"Yes Fu, I understand. Yes I got it all on my USB. But what about Adrien?" Alya was saying on her phone.

"Alya what the what is going on?!" he shouted at her confessed written all over his face.

"NINO!" She stared at him in complete shocked, "What are you doing here!?" Alya questioned.

"I could be asking you the same thing." Nino look at her still on her phone with a USB in her other hand.

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