Chapter 3

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We all got onto the train early the next day, wanting to be the first people there, because, since it wasn't as organised and herding as fan signs and more sort of "gather round tables with BTS" we wanted to get the best seats, if we get seats at all.

Or that's what I had hoped but with friends that either sleep in, take forever to look their best 24/7 or just somehow always managing to be late, we were a lot later than we had hoped. And when I say we, I mean me and (f/n), even if she was the worst one at being on time. The others couldn't care less.

We sat down on the train, finding seats in the shack of a carriage, windows rattling and seats shaking. I sat next to (f/n) and the others were dispersed around the carriage. "Still got the tickets (f/n)?" I asked just to start conversation and she gave me a look that I really didn't want to see. "Oh god. (Y/n), no way, no way, no way!"
"Yeah, no way, (f/n), now way! What have you done with them!" I whisper shouted, not to disrupt the passengers on the train. (F/n) started frantically patting herself down, going through all of her pockets without any luck. That's when I spotted something pink poking out of the crack in the chair, so I pulled at it (that sounds so dirty I'm sorry) and low and behold, I had found the all important tickets and I screamed from the top of my lungs, whipping them out like a cringy anime character saying "Ha ha! You thought you could escape!" Until I realised that everyone was watching me and I remembered that we were in a public place. (F/n) didn't give a damn though. "Yay! Thank god!! Well done (Y/n)!" I then shushed her and, before sitting down, we apologised to the people on the train.

We finally arrived at the venue and we could all already tell it was going to be like a London tube train in rush hour. (If you don't understand, it basically means you're accidentally touching everyone up and you are all breathing on each other's faces.) There wasn't room for anything, especially not dignity. We went through the dark? corridors, (why weren't they lit up? Who knows) and (f/n) knew exactly what she wanted. (F/n) on a mission was scary.
And boy, the mission to get through those doors was a big one.
She grabbed my hand tightly and shouted "WE ARE MEETING MY BABIES." Over the rest of the noise that couldn't be classed as background. And with that, she started pushing through people, causing me and the other 4 to have a dramatic romance film parting scene with less tears and more shouting.

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