14. Laureline's Friend (@durbxnskies)

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(Thank you!) I have never ever thought that our book would get over 200 reads within less than a month. Thanks y'all. 💖💯😘

     Kyle's POV

I shook my head disappointingly looking at Woody, while he tried to steal this weird looking loaf of bread. It was more brown and bruised looking...actually I think it was mouldy. Ew. "Stop" I loudly whispered just loud enough so Woody with his shoulder length chestnut majestic hairdo spun around, just like how the girls' hair in the movie do.

"What?" He retrieved his hand from the bakery shelf on the outside market stall. "I can't eat that. No one can." With that Will huddled in between me and Woody. "What about if we steal a chicken, go to the woods and kill it then start a fire?" Me and Woody look at each other and grinned, when we looked back at Will he still seemed deadly serious.

     "Seriously?" I had to laugh otherwise I'd go insane.

     Will crossed his arms tightly with his head lowered, he then nodded. "Fuck off, I not gonna kill a chicken. You kill a chicken." That's when Will laughed too. I think we have all gone past the point of not giving a shit anymore.

     We knew we're stuck here without Dan's help. "I'll kill the chicken." Woody put his hand out toward Will's face. "Er. Not in front of me. I go to the farm every month with my little boy, I can't be dealing with the death of Trevor the chicken. I love that little weirdo." I swore I saw Will's left pale blue eye twitch in annoyance.

I patted Woody on the shoulder. This must look so weird, three strange looking guys huddled up right behind a market stall. I mean even in Victorian Times I'm trying not to look gay. Even tho I ain't. Oh my god. [My nail polish.] It was starting to chip - looked fucking awesome though.

"Dan is probably in the woods. I'm gonna keep looking around...you two grab a fucking chicken." I had no idea why there were so many chickens running around in this street. Even the homeless people were dodging them, wonder why? Who cared, we're from the future and we were invincible.

"Alright, your lordship. Anything else you want us to do, your lordship." I pulled a face, holding my middle finger up. It didn't amuse them, in fact they looked like they want to punch me in the face.

I didn't bother saying anything else. Instead, I pushed my body forward and walked back down the street. The time was six, and I know it was still classed as evening but it was pretty fucking dark. The little warm glow of the lamps really didn't help though. I was basically blind.

I bumped into several people until I finally get to the pharmacy. I saw that the door to it was wide open, I hid behind the wooden post of the staircase and listened. It's that fat fucker who nearly got his greasy mitts on my wicked watch, I didn't know the other husky voice he was talking to though.

"Officer, there's three delusional men who claim to be from the future...could they be the one's who did this terrible, terrible, crime?" What the actual fuck? Now he was blaming us for a crime we didn't do? I mean we've done nothing expect maybe kidnap a chicken - but that was all on Will. "No. Other towns people have told us they've been sitting outside the tavern, begging for money." I put my hand over my mouth and tried not to piss myself.

Admittedly that was mine and Woody's plan. We wanted the money for a drink but everyone avoided eye contact with us. Will got robbed ten quid himself by a child pick pocket.

"My daughter's best friend was Emeline, she was a joy. She made Laureline feel popular, you know how Laureline has learning difficulties and not like the other young ladies. Emeline saw though Laureline's weakness she made her a fine woman." Wait, what did this guy classify as learning difficulties?

Laureline is the most courageous girl. She stood in front of three strangers and heard their side out. That takes a lot of guts. Maybe she's the the most sane one here?

"Anyway, I better go and tend to my daughter. Those three men and their friend deserve locking away!" Her dad called out as I gulp. "Their friend you mentioned?" He nodded his head.

"Yes. Dan Smith. British like them." The cop made an 'hmm' sound before he walked down the steps. "We'll take that one in for questioning unless he has a alibi, thank you for calling me up Jarred. You're always have a fine eye for these things," the cop chuckled. "Have a nice night, Jameson." The cop bowed his head and merrily strolled off the property.

So there's a psycho going around killing people? And Woody and Will are in the middle of the forest-fuck no!

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