Chapter 11

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"Hello Miss, is anybody sit here? If nobody sit here can I sit here with you? Its because all the sit in here are full."

"Owh nobody sit at here, I'm all alone. Yes you may, you can't stand here when the bus is moving you might fall."

"Ahh yes thank you."

"Hey bro, its kinda not proper if you sit here with a girl and yes Rin why would you give this sit to a boy like him and in fact you just know him today right, you can't just belive in him. He can hurt you , you know? You can sit with my school friend if you don't mind I sit with my friend here?"

"Hell no, you was the one that will hurt me you basterd! So shut the fuck up and go to your sit Rif!"

Lelaki yang ingin duduk bersama Rin kerana tiada tempat duduk lain kini terpaku kerana terkejut dengan kata-kata Rin kepada Rif. Semua orang di dalam bas melihat pertengkaran mereka. Rin memengang tangan lelakit tersebut supaya dia tidak beredar duduk bersama rakan Rif.

"Okay fine if you say so Rin. I'm so sorry. But.."

"Shut your bloody mouth up, I don't want to hear anything from your mouth."

Rif sangat bengang dengan Rin kerana memarahinya di hadapan semua orang. Rif pergi duduk di tempat duduknya di hadapan, manakala tempat duduk Rin terletak di bahagian belakang bas.

"I'm sorry for what is going on back there. I didn't mean to drag you and your friend into a fight. I think I will go to the other bus, thank you for the sit."

"Nah, its okay. You don't have to go to another bus, the bus is going to move right now."

"Owh I think I don't have a choice right. So may I?"

"Yes you may. Have a sit."

12 minit kemudian

"Hey, your name is Rin right?"

"Ah yes. Owh by the way what is your name?"

"My name is Raja Hamdin Zarif, and yeah you can call me Zarif."

"Wait, Zarif? No I mean Hamdin? Owh yeah we were in the same primary school right? You was the one who always bothering me am I right?"

"Ahaha yeah you right. I thought you didn't remember me, because you act like didn't know me ahahaha."

"Lol seriously? I didn't expect that you really be a futsal player. You was hate it when you play it with me and the other girls of our class."

"Yeah it all thanks to you. You make me love to play futsal because I want to beat you."

"Owh so we'll see if you can beat me in this coming game at camp, if I win you must obey all my words."

"Okay but if I win, you must take me to a treat deal?"

"Okay deal."

Rin dan Hamdin berbual tanpa henti sehingga mereka sampai ke kem. Apabila sampai ke kem, mereka seperti belangkas tidak pernah berpisah dan sentiasa bergurau antara satu sama lain. Rif perasan akan perkara itu berlaku semasa mereka di kem pada hari pertama. Ini menyebabkan Rif berasa cemburu terhadap Hamdin yang sentiasa bersama Rin.


"Hey bro, can I ask you guys a question?"

"Yeah why not."

"Did Hamdin say anything about Rin to you guys?"

"He just say that Rin is his primary school friend and they were always bothering each other."

"Owh I see thank you."

"Small matter bro."

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