Chapter 17

21 2 3


Aku berjalan menuju ke office pengetua. Aku ketuk pintu lalu masuk kedalam apabila diarahkan untuk masuk.

"Owh yeah Miss Syarin you were here now. Let me introduce you with the Arin High School's students and teachers."

Aku membongkokkan badan ku menunjukkan tanda hormat terhadap mereka. Yelah diaorang kan tetamu.

"Goodmorning sir, my name is Nur Syarin binti Saha, Gread 2 student from class 2A1. You guys can call me Rin or Syarin."

"Okay I will tell you about Syarin more detail. She is our best student in this school. She can beat all the seniors and also her batch. She was our best futsal player, the gread 2 president, the president of the inteligent class 2A1, president of photographer club,president of hockey club and hockey player too, bla bla bla bla bla..."

Aduh cikgu ni puji aku lebih-lebih pulak, kembang aku dekat sini. Aku melihat muka setiap seorang pelajar Arin High School, haih kenapalah ada Amran dengan si Fariz tu.


Fariz Farhan bin Fahmi

16 tahun

Arin High School

Photographer // Syarin's ex

"You guys will be in 2A1 class whic is Syarin class."

"But principal... my class..."

"Your class is the best class from others. So Syarin you can handle those guys right? You are good at handling people right?"

"Okay principal I will try my best."

"Okay good, so now Syarin please take them to the hall and introduce them to your Gread 2 friend."

"Okay sir. Boys follow me."

Aku menunggu mereka di hadapan pintu bilik pengetua. Aku dengar apa cikgu diaorang cakap.

"Boys please take care of your manners okay?"

"Okay teacher."

Aku hanya terdiam di luar bilik pengetua kemudian mereka berlapan keluar dari bilik pengetua. Aku yang sedang sandar di dinding kini berdiri dengan lebih tegak.

"So? Are you guys ready? I mean to meet your new greadmate?"

"Yeah, we think so. As long as you are here with us."

"Yes Fariz is right!" balas mereka semua.

Gosh Fariz kenapa you ada dekat sini. Kenapa mesti you, kenapa tak orang lain!

"Em Rin."


"Can I go to the toilet? I really need it."

"Yeah the toilet is at there."

"Em thank you."

As usual Amran memang selalu pergi toilet dulu. Gugup kot nak jumpa greadmate baru, dah lah semua perempuan. Aku suruh diaorang duduk dekat bangku yang ada berhampiran toilet. Aku berdiri memandang ke luar, saja pandang pemandangan pagi-pagi macam ni.


"Em hey."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Why?"

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