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A/N: Sorry for not posting in a while. I've been really busy as said in my A/N. And I will post a short Christmas special even though it's not yet Christmas. HAPPY ADVANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE OUT THERE READING THIS ON WATTPAD!!! HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS!!! MWA!!!

Story #7 ~ Chrismas Special

Everyone was preparing for Christmas Eve. It was half an hour before midnight. After a while, everything was set. All they need to do, is to wait.

Time Skip

Sagittarius: . . . . . .4
Capricorn: . . . . .3
Aquarius: . . . .2
Pisces: . . . . .1

*fireworks explosions*
*celebration starts*
*mistletoe hangs over couples*

Cancer: YUSSSSSSSS no mistletoe over this dude. I'm single foreveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Others: no fair

*celebration is now on going*

Zodiac Short StoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora