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Story #15 ~ Burning Toaster in the Fine Afternoon

It was a fine afternoon.
The sun was shining.
The birds were chirping.
Several flowers are in bloom.
And inside the Zodiac household, a toaster was burning.

Wait- What?




Leo - shouting 'what the fuck!' over and over

Aquarius - the one who caused the toaster to go on fire

Pisces - is in the corner, crying

Scorpio - rolling on the floor, on fire

Capricorn - is not worried about the fire but worried about the toast that was inside the burning toaster

Gemini - patting Scorpio with a blanket repeatedly to take out the fire

Cancer - is laying on the couch at the living room, earphones in and has no idea of what's happening in the kitchen

Aries - pulls the power switch off to prevent other things from catching on fire then exploding

Sagittarius - panicked af

Taurus - writing a will for when death arrives their door, literally

Virgo - screaming and panicking along with Sagittarius

Libra - bursts in the kitchen with a fire extinguisher and tries to help

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