Chapter 8

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I stood outside the lab, kit in hand. I was dressed for travel, my specimen's health had deeply fallen overnight and I needed a new one. I was partially bitter to the fact since just yesterday Harry had suggested I needed a new one....I didn't fancy being wrong. My foot tapped impatiently against the marble floors as I once again checked my watch. It was half past 10, Harry typically came for pictures much earlier than this which was why I had such trouble comprehending why he wasn't here yet. I needed Harry to guide me there again, to the meadow. But of course I'm an extremely impatient person, so with a huff of aggravation leaving my pale lips I headed towards the front entrance of the house. Unconsciously I was hoping to bump into the strange boy, but I kept the thought buried within me. 

"Hello Dr.Tomlinson! Where are you going this morning?" Mico greeted me warmly as I neared her in the hallway. She was carefully folding white towels and placing them beneath the sink in the bathroom beside her. 

"Just heading out for more flowers."

"I thought the ones we had were fine?"

"So did I " I commented back with a nod of my head and simple smile. I pushed my glasses further up the bridge of my nose and quickly looked down the hall. "you haven't happened to see Harry have you?"

Mico shook her head. "No sir, he wasn't even in for breakfast this morning."

"Well thank you anyways Mico, I'll be going now"

"Will you be back for lunch?" She inquired eagerly. I smiled in reply. 


She grinned, "Be careful Doctor!"

I laughed. "As always Mico" Then I quickly turned on the heel of my white shoes and headed out again. 

 The weather was becoming colder, the days weren't as bright as before and I knew winter would be approaching in the months to come. I still held my small hope that I'd be finished by then, and now that I had proper equipment that little hope flourished inside me.The thought of leaving this place and returning to my old life was both depressing and exciting. I never much favored change, so being here made me uncomfortable, but everything was so intriguing to explore, I also liked it here. There was really only two things in this town I really found intriguing. This plant, and- well Harry. 

I tugged out the crumpled map from inside my pocket and opened it up as I stepped near the edge of the tree lining. My eyes quickly shifted back towards the house but returned to the paper just as quickly. I had a job to do and stalling for that boy wasn't doing me any favors. I'd done this sort of thing plenty of times before, so I promised myself this time would be no different as I headed into the dark unknown, completely alone. 


Hours had passed and I hadn't encountered the meadow. It was like the entire site had disappeared and I had gone right by where it should have been. Or I was going in giant circles around it and I didn't even know it. I stopped for the third time within the hour and checked my map again. I pulled the still crinkled paper out in front of me and sat myself on a near by fallen tree. I back tracked and recalculated my whereabouts over and over again but it still came out to the same conclusion, I was lost. 

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