Chapter one The Beginning

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This is a story about a hero how it starts and how it ends. How is starts with the death of this hero's brother to the end with the hero holding a grenade. There will be more than one story for this long journey. Before we can get to that we need to start at the very start.

My name is Evan and this is the story of my life. It started as a normal school day for me. My favourite class was history luckily that was the was the class I was ending the day on. My history teacher is a great guy too he's part of the reason i like this class so much. Today in class I had learnt about this group of people called the Birds. The legend says whoever received their costume had to be a hero at that time. After they had failed or died it would be past down to the next person who had been chosen. I was very curious about what they did so I went to the library after school to do some extra research about them. I spent a lot of my time in the library so this was normal. After I had finished I started walking home but stopped because I heard someone screaming for help. I walked to where the screaming was when I turned the corner I saw Marty. He was in the same class as me but we didn't talk much we kinda have a bit of a rough history. There was also Wade. Wade was the weak nerdy type guy but he was smarter than everyone in school. Wade was getting pushed by Marty. Marty was the school bully I had a few fights with him but it turned into an endless battle I would win one fight and he would win another we both kinda gave up.

"What are you doing here Evan?" Marty said while he had his foot on Wade's back.

"I heard screaming I wanted to see if everything was alright." I said. I was scared and Marty knew it but I stood there still ready to fight.

"Everything is fine." Marty said. I began to get even more scared and started to think about running. But I couldn't just leave Wade here with Marty. So I stayed.

"Stop hurting me." Wade said. now I had to stay and fight even if it ended with me on the ground and screaming instead.

"What if you just leave him alone and walk away and this won't end bad." I said knowing it wouldn't work but I had to try anyway.

"It's not going to end bad for me but it might for you." Marty said walking towards me. He was grabbing my shirt and pushing me to the wall. Then I hit Marty making him let go of me. While this is happening Wade starts to walk away from the fight but close enough to watch.

"Now I am going to hurt you." said Marty as he tried to punch Me but I saw it coming and ducked. I ran forward pushing Marty and making him fall to the ground. I walked over to Wade while Marty was occupied with getting up.

"you okay?" I asked Wade.

"yea I'm fine thanks for helping." Wade said and as Wade said that Marty came back and pushed me again. I ended tripping over my own feet and falling to the ground. While I was on the ground Marty kicked me and he did it again and again while this was happening Wade ran away. I don't really blame him I couldn't stop Marty and if Wade stayed Marty would go after him next. Well at least it's me getting the crap kicked out of instead of him.

After Marty finished kicking me he walked away. I just stayed on the ground because both I was hurt and I didn't want to be close to Marty. When I knew Marty was gone I started to walk home. While walking I was trying to think of an excuse to why my face is a mess. [Marty kicked me in the face a few times making My nose bleed] I didn't know what to say. My parents would know something happened and I would get into trouble.

" I could say one of my friends got a new skateboard and I tried to ride it and fell off... no that wouldn't work their not that dumb." I said talking to myself.

When I got home and walked in the first thing I saw was my mom looking at me.

"Evan did you get into another fight again?" She said with a mean tone in her voice.

"yes but I was just trying to help someone." I responded.

"You can't keep getting into fights you could have been suspended or expelled." She said.

"But I was just trying to help someone he was getting bullied by Marty and I had to stop it what was I supposed to do just let him get hurt and walk away is that really what you want me to do." I yelled.

"It's just I don't want you getting into trouble at school." She said hoping I would understand. Then I ran into my room and slammed the door shut and went to sleep.

The next day my brother Mike came home from the army. He was there for three years. When he came home he didn't talk much I just thought it was because Mike didn't feel normal to be home after being at war. I knew that if I waited Mike would be ready to talk to people again but instead Mike just sat in his room all day and did nothing. I wanted Mike to talk to someone but he never did. He did come and have a conversation with me.

"Hey Evan I need to talk to you." Mike said to me.

"Ok sure what is it?" I asked him not having any idea of what he was about to say.

"I can't stay here much longer I have to go before it's too late. Just remember that I'll always be looking after you and I won't let anything bad happen to you. Your going to be a great and very important man some day. So be prepared because I may have to leave unexpectedly." Mike explained to me. At this point I was so confused.

"What are you talking about none of this makes sense. Can you just explain everything to me please." I begged him.

"Look all I can say is that everything is not as it seems and at the moment the less you know the better you'll end up. I promise one day when I return I will explain everything to you and make all this clear but until then you have to just trust me. Can you do that for me?" Mike asked me.

" Yes I guess so. I'm just so confused." I explained.

"It'll all make sense eventually." Mike reassured me. That was the last conversation I had with him.

One day when I got home from school I found a letter saying he left to go back to the army again because he was putting me in danger by staying here and that he was sorry for leaving.

Three weeks later Mike died in war and when my parents heard about what happened they weren't as sad as parents should be to hear that their son just died. They were sad of course but not exactly as much as you'd expect. It's like they were expecting it or something. I couldn't quite figure out what it was but it felt very weird. That was the exact moment where I knew something wasn't right but I just ignored it at first and continued with my life not worrying about it.

The next day when I got home I found my parents dead they were both stabbed. I tried to help them I wouldn't accept that they were dead. I try to do my best and help them. Even though I was being optimistic with helping them it didn't work and they died. When I realised there was no way of saving them I started panicking. I had no idea what was happening or why or even who. I somehow managed to calm myself down and try to figure out how to answer these questions. Then I thought crossed my mind. What if the killer is still here? I searched the house all the rooms were empty except for my parents room. I ran into my parents room and found the murderer he was wearing a mask and had blood all on his clothes.

"Why would you do this?" I said trying not to cry.

"Because i was paid to do it.... Oh and I was also paid extra to frame it on you so I would start running if I were you." The masked man said walking past me.

"Who?" I asked.

"What did you say?" The man asked.

"Who paid you to kill my family?" I asked again.

"I wasn't paid to tell you who but something tells me that you'll find out eventually." The man answered.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I screamed while I was being filled with rage and fury.

"If you believe it enough it might happen kid." The masked men said while walking out of the room. There was nothing I could do to stop him and I didn't want to try. He's obviously a trained professional and unless I am really stupid which I'm not I choose not to fight him. Let him have this win.

After he left I started to look in old boxes to find out why someone would want to frame me of killing my own parents. When I got to the last box I found an adoption certificate of me. I was adopted and didn't know about it. This was the beginning this was where my true life started.

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