A New Friend

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So now I have been arrested by a cop and I don't know what to do. I guess the only thing I can do is try convincing him I didn't do it. Doubt it'll work but worth a shot.

"But I didn't do it." I said.

"Yea thats what they all say." The officer said. He turned me around and I saw he's face and then I finally found out who he was. His name was Logan he was a friend of Mikes before he left for the army.

"Listen to me you have known me since I was six. You need to ask yourself if you believe I did this?" I told him.

"Then who did it because as much as I want to believe you the evidence says differently your finger prints were all over the place including the weapon and I found the adoption certificate. So what I think happened was you found out you were adopted and didn't take it too well." logan said confused with the whole situation but I can't blame him because even I'm confused.

"Okay someone got my finger prints which would be easy since I live there well, at least did live there and now everyone thinks I killed them but I'm trying to prove that I'm innocent." I said trying to convince him.

"I'll help you out this one time only because I'm friends with your brother but after this I don't think I'll be able to help out anymore. Also keep in mind that there's not much I can do. Best I can do is let you go this one time so you need to start running before anyone else comes." Logan told me.

"I know but there's something I need to do first and your recalling going to hate this next part. I am really sorry." I said.

"For what?" Logan asked but as soon as he did I grabbed his gun out of the holster and I ran. I was surprised he didn't try to stop me he just stood there for a bit and watched me run away.

I really needed food so I went to a store nearby hoping it didn't have any cameras. I was wearing a hoodie anyways so I put the hood up to help hide my face. Once I was in the store I started walking around looking at all the food. It was a pretty small store and the cashier was watching me the whole time. I could easily just take some of the food and run. If I did that though it'd get reported to the police and then they'd be one step closer to finding me. So I decided not to steal anything and just leave.

So now to think of my plan which so far included breaking one of my own rules. I need to go back home. In my mind I kept thinking that there had to be evidence that the police missed even if its little it could help. First I needed to get help from a friend but how. Then the idea kicked in I needed my phone and there was one place even the police couldn't find it. Luckily it was at home as well.

When I got home the first thing I did was go to my room and in the closet there was a hole where my phone was. I hid it a while ago when I got in trouble and was supposed to give it to my parents as punishment. I grabbed it and searched around the house for any evidence. Sadly I had found nothing at all so I left the house. Outside I noticed something on the road. They were tire marks. But I didn't know what car. The only way they were here is if someone was trying to leave here in a rush so maybe they belong to the killers car. So I called Wade on my phone.

"Wade hi it's me Evan remember I helped you stop Marty." I said.

"I remember but I'm not supposed to talk to you." Wade said. By the tone of his voice I could tell he was really scared. Honestly I'm just surprised he didn't instantly hang up on me.

"I know but i really need you to help me." I said.

"Im sorry but I can't do anything." Wade said.

"yes, you can remember I helped you now you have to help me." I said.

"I guess your right. I can try to help." Wade finally agreed.

"Good so I need you to come to my house." I said.

"Okay I will be there soon." Wade said.

It's pretty ironic that  I am stuck at my own home the only place I am supposed to feel safe in. But I don't at all I just angry, scared and very fucking confused. I was thinking about what had happened that day and how this all started. Things just weren't adding up to me. Why would anyone want to kill my family and also to blame me for it.

I need to find the person that started this all. Not the killer but the person that hired the killer. The only way to do that is to find this killer and make him tell me who hired him. But do I really want to know who hired the killer. It could be anyone and maybe I won't like the answer. No I can't think like that, I'm going to find whoever is responsible for this and make them pay. If I can't kill them I don't know if I could live knowing that they are out there possibly doing the same thing to some other person.

While I was thinking to myself Wade finally came.

"How much do you know about cars?" I asked.

"Not much but thats why there is a thing called the Internet." Wade said.

"Ok so do you know what car left these tire marks." I said pointing to the ground where they were and Wade got his phone out and took a picture of them.

"They don't look like any kind of tires that I have seen. Has a unique pattern on them." Wade said.

"I know but I remember in class you said that you were good with computers and hacking and stuff so maybe you can do something with that skill." I suggested.

"I don't know how much I can help but I will try." Wade said and just as Wade finished his sentence I looked down the street to see a police car.

"Quick run the police can't see you talking to me." I quickly said but it looked like Wade was already getting ready to run and as soon as he started running the car came to me. I was hoping it would be Logan but it wasn't. It was someone even I didn't know. I wanted to tell him the truth and say I didn't do it but I could barely convince Logan. So I really have no chance with this one. I didn't even bother trying this time. All I did was hide my arm because it still has Kasey's address on it. Luckily I had my jacket on so it was easy to hide.

He arrested me and took me to the police station where we walked past Logan. I looked at him with a face showing him I needed help. I think he understood but i wasn't sure. The police officer that arrested me took me to a room and handcuffed me to the table and then I figured out what was happening. This was an interrogation room.

"So lets just start off by saying who killed your family and how you got another officers gun?" asked the cop while sitting on the chair across from me. His name on his badge was Jones must've been his last name. I kept quiet and didn't say anything. Either way he isn't going to believe me so no point in trying.

"Come on kid your only making this harder for yourself now, just tell me who did it?" Jones asked again.

"I didn't do it, I was... someone else did it and made it look like I did it." I said starting to fake cry hoping he would believe that I was crying.

"Then who did it?" Jones asked.

"I don't know. Can I please have a cup of water hopefully that can help calm me down." I asked still crying and now shaking. Jones left and a couple of minutes later the door opened again. I had my head against the table so I just guessed it was Jones but next thing that happened was that someone took off my handcuffs. To my surprise it was Logan.

"We need to get out of here quick." Logan said so then without wasting any more time we both walked at a fast pace out of the police station. We had to keep a steady pace but try not to make it too obvious.

"I don't think you are supposed to do this." I said while walking next to him.

"I know just don't talk about it. Plus sooner or later they'll figure out it's my gun and then they'll start asking me all questions. Either way I'm screwed so why not take the risk of helping you." Logan explained.

"OK, well thank you I really appreciate this." I said. This time I knew I could trust him. He was a new friend and at this point and time what I really needed was friends that could help me. If we all work together we might be able to stop this and prove that I am innocent. But thats not the way it happened.

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