I'm Not The Only Target

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I told Ryan everything how I was adopted to how the people following me killed Logan. I ended the call with Ryan but right after that I got another call from Wade.

"Evan I found something about those tire marks." Wade said.

"What is it?" I asked hoping he'd have some good answers for me.

"Well they are custom tires there are only six of them ever sold. We find who has those tires we find the murderer. One more thing about it I looked at all the history of the people that have the tires and well one of them used fake information. All I know about him is he owns a mustang that's what the tires were for." Wade informed me.

"Thanks. Also I have another question for you. I have some people following me and I wanted to know if you knew how they keep finding me?" I asked looking around just to be safe and make sure that Luke wasn't there.

"Wait your using your phone right?" Wade asked.

"Yea why?" I asked.

"SMASH IT NOW THATS HOW THEY ARE FOLLOWING YOU DO IT QUICKLY!!!" Wade was yelling. I threw my phone onto the ground and stomped on it a few times. But it was too late Luke was behind me in his car and going really fast towards me. I had to think quick. I jumped onto the front of the moving car rolling over the roof and landing on the hard ground. Everything was hurting I couldn't get up in time Luke got to me and put handcuffs on me. He took me and put me in the backseat of his car. The car started moving again and now I had adrenaline rushing through me.

I don't know if it was pure instinct or maybe I did have some sort of plan but I had to act quickly. I leaned forward and grabbed onto the steering wheel turning it and making the car crash into a tree.

I had to escape and get out of this car. I saw Luke he was knocked out but he had the keys to my handcuffs. I got out of the car and walked around to the drivers seat. My legs and arms were bleeding but with all the adrenaline rushing through me I couldn't feel any pain. All I was thinking about was getting out of here but I needed the keys.

I opened the door and reached for the keys I didn't even notice all the blood on the floor of the car. What I did notice was the gun on the passenger seat if I can get it then I will have an advantage. So I moved Luke making him sit straight in his seat and I leaned towards the gun and grabbed it. I looked back and I saw it. Lukes face had been all cut up from the glass windows  that's where all the blood came from. His face looked bad. But I couldn't think about that. I needed fo focus on getting to Kasey's house.

I finally got too Kasey's house. I thought that I should go straight to the shed. When I walked around the house to the backyard I had to stop because there was a fence in the way. It wasn't that big I could climb it but with all my injuries it was going to be hard. My legs were all cut and I could barely stand on them but I couldn't give up now. Honestly I'm just surprised I walked all the way here in one piece. So I climbed the fence it was hard. I got my legs off the ground and I was pushing up with my hands. My whole body was shaking I don't know if it was because I was lifting my whole body with my arms or that I was hurt. I got one leg over and then just sat there for a minute. I decided to keep going so I got the other leg over and pushed off the fence.

I was expecting to land perfectly on my feet but that didn't happen. I landed and as soon as I put all my weight onto my legs I fell. My legs and arms were hurting like hell. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. People would hear and I would get caught. I got up slowly. Trying to ignore the pain I walked over too the shed I was so close. Then everything started to go dark and I was falling to the ground I tried to stay up. I ended up tripping over my own feet and fell asleep on the ground.

I opened my eyes and saw that I had bandages all over my arms and legs. I was in a room I had never seen before. I thought Luke must've found me and took me. The door opened and in came Kasey, I wasn't worried anymore. I knew I was safe for now.

"So I'm guessing you did this." I examined and then Kasey let out a small scream from me unexpectedly talking.

"Sorry I didn't know you were awake and you scared me." Kasey explained.

"When did you find me?" I asked.

"This morning." Kasey said.

"Wait what time is it?" I asked.

"It's two thirty." Kasey said while pointing to a clock.

"I can't stay any longer because me being here is putting you in danger." I said while trying to get up. I tried to get up but everything was still hurting I could barely even move but that didn't stop me from trying.

"They won't find you here so please stay." Kasey said. She was holding onto me trying to make me stop.

"You don't understand what's happening. There is a really bad person chasing me. And he isn't just going to catch me but he is also going to kill everyone I ever cared about or loved I'm not the only target anymore." I explained trying to convince her to let me go.

"I'm not scared." Kasey said trying to act strong.

"Well you should be." I said and then I started to get up again and this time managed to get on my feet. I started walking out.

"JUST WAIT A Minute!!" Kasey shouted after that I stopped and turned towards her.

"Can you please stay one more night you can have a meal and a good night sleep and in the morning if you don't feel like you can stay you can leave. Just one night that's all I'm asking for." Kasey said trying to convince me.

"As much as I would love that I can't. I can't risk putting you in danger." I then walked out the door and left.

Kasey ran up behind me she grabbed me making me turn around and then she kissed me. That's when I knew I should stay. Even if it was just for a little while.

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