This Ends Now pt 2

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I put the phone on speaker and then got Wade's phone and started recording the conversation.

"Why are you doing this" I said

"I was hired to capture you" Luke said

"And what about Kasey" I asked

"Well let's just say I'm kinda angry about what you did to my friend so I'm doing the same to yours" Luke said

"So you just kill my family and frame me for it and then you do the same to Kasey" I said

"I never killed your family but yea everything else is true" Luke said

"Just tell me where you are and we can end this" I said

"That's the plan. I'm at the same place you killed my friend. I hope you can figure it out from there. Oh and I almost forgot to tell you that you can't bring anyone" Luke said and then he hung up the call.

"I have to leave" I said to Wade

"Are you crazy, you can't just go out there and fight him by yourself" Wade said

"Well it would be but I have a plan" I said

"Your plan better work. Do you need me to do anything" Wade asked

"Yea" I said and then I explained my whole plan to him

"I have to go now before its too late" I said as I was walking out and before Wade could reply I left.

I decided to walk there. It was the slowest way but it's also the safest. It was about a few hours of walking. Suddenly my phone started ringing.

"It's Wade. I finished doing it. I'm sending it to you now" Wade said

"Thanks" I said back and then I ended the call.

I then called the police.

"Hi I would like to talk to officer Jones please" I said

"Yea what do you want" Jones said

"What I want is Logan's killer to be caught but I need your help to do it" I said

"Wait who is this" Jones asked

"I'm Evan Rogers the kid that killed his family" I said

"And why should I trust you"

"I don't have time to explain but we both want the same thing so just help" I said. I also told him where I was going and then ended the call.

By the time I got to the train tracks it was dark and it was raining. I wouldn't be able to see Luke but he had a car with the headlights on parked across from the tracks. He wasn't hiding. He wanted me to notice him and see everything. I didn't go up to him at first. I wanted to see what was happening and maybe figure out a plan. I saw Luke holding a gun to Kasey's head while Kasey was on the train tracks. I decided to just go out there and I don't know. I guess improvise.

"Your knight in shining armour is here"Luke said to Kasey

"Come on put your gun down let's just settle this like men" I said trying to put Kasey out of danger

"You had your chance to do that but then you put my friends head in the middle of a train" Luke said

Kasey then dived out of Luke's reach and I started running at him. He pointed the gun at me but I was close enough to push his arm the other way. He ended up falling over the train tracks. I kneeled down on him and started punching him. Again and again and again. I could hear the train coming and from the corner of my eye I could see the bright light of the train. Kasey was screaming trying to tell me to get out of the way. None of that mattered I had to end this now. The train was so close. I thought I was going to die but if that happens I'm taking Luke with me. Just before the train hit us Kasey pulled me out of the way. Luke managed to crawl out of the way too.

As I was waiting for the train to pass I realised that the gun was missing. I started searching the ground for it. The light from the car helped a bit but not too much. Luke knew what I was looking for and he started looking too. The train was gone but I didn't have the gun. BANG. Luke shot me in the back.

"Your lucky I have to take you alive" Luke said as he put me in a headlock. Luke was dragging me across the ground. I couldn't put up a fight. The pain was too much. Kasey picked a very big stick and started hitting Luke with it. Luke let go of me I tried to crawl away but I could barely move. Luke slapped Kasey and she fell to the ground. Luke then moved towards me and pointed the gun at me. I turned around lying on my back looking at him.

"You know what screw it I'm just killing you now" Luke said but he hesitated for some reason. Before he could pull the trigger big flashing red and blue lights arrived. Which meant Jones was here.

"You lose" I said while laughing. Luke started walking backwards towards the train tracks. He was still facing Jones and also had the gun pointed at him.

"Put the gun down" Jones shouted but then BANG BANG BANG. Luke started shooting. Jones took cover behind the cop car. One quick Bang was fired from Jones. Luke was gone. He died on the train tracks like his partner Robert.

I ended up showing the police the thing that Wade sent me. That thing was an edited phone call from Luke proving that me and Kasey were and still are innocent. Kasey started living with her uncle. I was with a whole different family now but I still wanted to know who my real parents was. More importantly I needed to figure out who killed my family. For some reason I have a feeling these two things are connected somehow. So where one story ends another begins.

2 months later
I received a package in the mail. I didn't know where it came from but I took it to my room. Inside was a costume red blue and black colours on it. It also had a symbol on it. The symbol of the birds. I had so many questions that really needed answering and I'm not going to stop searching until they are.

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