This Ends Now pt 1

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I decide to stay with Kasey for now just until I figure out a plan to stop this. I didn't want to stay and put her in danger but I had no other option. This gave me a chance to eat and actually be able to sleep properly. Well at least I can try to sleep properly, recently I've been getting these nightmares. Anyways I know that at some point I will have to leave and I don't think Kasey would like that. After about two days of staying at Kasey's house Wade came and warned me.

"Evan the police are coming around to talk to everyone you know and sooner or later they are going to come here." Wade warned.

"There is nothing I can do but wait thanks anyway for warning me." I said.

"I'm going now just in case they are following me. I just thought I should quickly come here and warn you." Wade said and then he walked away.

I looked behind me and saw that Kasey was watching our whole conversation.

"What are you going to do if they come here." Kasey asked and I could tell that she was scared. Honestly at this point so was I.

"Fight them if I have too and run." I said.

"Run to where?" Kasey asked.

"Wherever is safe and I will have to keep doing that until I know this whole thing is over. But we will deal with that problem if it comes up." I said and I knew that Kasey wanted to argue but she knew that she would lose.

After another day of staying there I went for a walk at night. I couldn't sleep even if I tried I would have nightmares and wake up again. The nightmares were about Logan and that gunshot. What if I did stay. I had to stop thinking about that. It was hours before I started walking back the sun was coming up that's how I knew I had to go back. If I go out at night like this I try to get back before Kasey wakes up. This time was different. This time I was being followed without even knowing it. I wish I didn't walk back.

Once I got to Kasey's house I went to the back door but before I opened it I started thinking. I could just leave now and Kasey wouldn't be in any more danger. So I started walking away. As I was walking on the street I heard a window smashing I looked behind me and then I noticed. The car that has been following me was parked across from Kasey's house. I don't even know how Luke got that car running again. All I knew was that Luke was in there with Kasey.

I ran inside the house but I was too late. There was blood everywhere. I did more searching and found out that Kasey's family had been killed. At first I thought it could be the same person that killed my family but this was different. The person who killed my family was careful and made everything perfect.

This was sloppy and rushed. At least now I know that Luke isn't the guy that killed my family too. I guess today isn't the day I get my revenge. I walked slowly upstairs ready to fight. I didn't know where anyone was so the first place I looked was Kasey's room. It was quiet. Maybe Kasey is hiding. Then she jumped out from behind her door with a knife. I grabbed her arm just before she stabbed me. The knife was almost touching my face.

"It's alright. It's just me." I said trying to calm down Kasey.

"I thought you were someone. Oh my god I could've killed you I'm so sorry." Kasey said. She was so upset with herself.

"Thanks for finding her for me." Luke said while walking towards us. Lukes face was all cut up from the car accident. You could barely even recognise it was him.

"Just stay back." I said to Luke. I turned around and told Kasey's to run and hide.

As I turned back again I saw Lukes fist moving through the air and before I could react I got punched in the face. My vision was all blurred for a few seconds but it was enough time for Logan to keep punching me. I was still kinda weak from the car accident which made Luke's punches feel 10 times worse. I ended up on the ground unable to move. The pain was too much for me to handle. I saw Luke grab Kasey and I tried to move but even with all my strength I couldn't move one bit.

"Let her go It's me you want not her." I said to Luke. Hoping he would let her go and take me instead.

"Your the one I'm getting paid to hurt but this one is for my revenge. So in fact she's the one I want more." Luke said as he dragged Kasey out of the room. Kasey was screaming for me to help but I couldn't. I tried moving but ended up blacking out.

After what seemed to be a few hours I gained the strength to get up. I didn't know where to go exactly but I had an idea. I went to Wade's house first. He was the only friend I had that could possibly help find Kasey. I knocked on his door and he answered luckily.

"You can't be here Evan." Wade said while he was looking around the street to make sure it was safe.

He let me in and we sneaked to his room. It was a dark room but well lit with all the computers everywhere.

"I need your help...again." I was about to ask him to help but he interrupted.

"No no no I'm done with helping you I'm sorry I just can't be put in danger like this." Wade said.

"I wouldn't be doing this unless it was important and Luke took Kasey I have no idea of what to do. Your my only chance of this all working." I said expecting Wade to still say no to him helping. Surprisingly he said yes. We started talking and trying to think of a way to find Kasey. I don't know if the next thing that happened was coincidence or luck but a phone started ringing. Me and Wade looked at each other with the same confused look on our faces. I knew the ringing wasn't coming from him so for some reason I checked my pockets. I found the phone. I answered it.

"I'm glad that you answered the phone kid." the voice on the phone said. I knew it was Luke's voice. He also is the only one to call me kid. I even heard Kasey in the background. She was yelling trying to tell me that she was alive.

"So I'm going to make this easy for you by telling you where we are." Luke said.

"Just remember that this ends now." I responded.

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