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Sarah's POV.

"What do you want from me?" I asked as I glared at Nicholas, his eyes darted towards me and he smiled slightly.

"Remember, Sarah. Don't you remember me?" He said as he continued folding the sheets and putting it in the closet.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Try remembering that little boy, that boy who used to get bullied. And you were the one to save him." He said and my mind started remembering.

When I was little, there always used to be this boy who used to sit on the swing alone and just stare at the other kids. I had approached him one and tried talking to him. But he wouldn't reply. I gave up.

But then one day, that little boy was getting bullied and beaten up by some other older kids. And surprisingly my feeble attempt had saved him. Those bullies had ran away but when I looked back at the boy, he already disappeared.

After that day, that boy just kept staring at me, while I played with others, spent time with other kids, that boy just sat there on the swing staring at me.

Then one day, he disappeared. He no longer sat on that swing. I asked a girl who was his neighbor, she said that he and his family had moved.

And now that boy, turned out to be a psycho, a psycho who has kidnapped me and acts like he loves me. What have I gotten myself into?

"You are that boy?" I asked, my eyes wide.

He just smiles.

"Yes, I am. I'm so happy you remembered." He finally said.

I try to wriggle my hands against the cuffs.

"Why?" I cried out. My eyes turning blurry.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hand trailing up my leg. I tried to wriggle away but the chains against my legs held me in place.

Tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Stop it!" I yelled with all my strength. He placed his finger against my lips to silence me.

"Shhh." He said, his face close to my lips. Then he forced his lips on mine.

"No-" He bit my lip and forced me to kiss him back. As if I'd do that.

He finally pulled away. I wanted to scream. I wanted to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to give him pain. I wanted to torture him. I wanna kill this bastard.

He smiles at me. "I'll be back, love." He said, leaving the room. Also making sure to lock it. God help me.

What was Alex doing? Was he searching for me? Maybe he doesn't even know I've been kidnapped by this bastard. I don't wanna die. I don't want to be captured.

I guess sometimes things don't turn out good, they turn out bad, but they turn out bad for a reason.


Staring at the white ceiling is not gonna help. But I have nothing. My hands and legs are chained. My hands and legs feel so sore, my back hurts, my neck is straining, I can't stay in this position any longer.

I whimper in pain as I hear the door open again.

Nicholas enters with a tray of food. He shuts the door behind him. He keeps the tray on a table beside my bed.

Then he does the unexpected. He unlocked the chains that held my hands and legs. I slowly got up, wincing at the pain at my hands and legs. My back pains badly. My neck was almost going to break.

He grabs a chair and sits in front of me, placing the tray of food on his thighs.

He grabs a spoon and tries to feed me the soup, but I didnt open my mouth. He growls and then his hand connects with my cheek. He slaps me.

"Open your mouth!" He shouts. I still don't do as he says.

Before he can do anything, I grab the hot chicken soup and throw it on his face. He screams in pain as he falls down. I quickly grab the keys he stuffed in his pocket and run out the room.

I can hear him shouting my name and I can hear his footsteps running after me. But I don't stop.

I have no time to look at the surroundings, I run as far as my legs can take me. From room to room to room.

Until something catches my eye and I stop.

The door is creaked open. And there she sits on the chair, her hands and legs are taped to the chair. Her mouth also taped. Her familiar face makes me wanna cry, I want to scream, and I do.

I scream my lungs out at the sight in front of me. She's covered in blood. I fall to my knees, I notice the blood on her neck still dripping fresh blood. No, please no.

I can't believe she's dead. The woman who loved me. The woman who took care of me. She was always there for me. But now she's dead.

My mom is dead. It's all my fault.

Don't kill me! I'm sorry! *Hides under the bed*
It's Christmas Eve!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
I hope you liked it!

Stalker (SLOW UPDATES)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora