chest pain

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you always hear about the butterflies and sweaty palms associated with crushes that turn into love.
you've heard of all the shitty things people will do that'll make you cry for literal days and either eat everything or nothing at all.
you'll listen when people tell you about their first date or their first heartbreak, and sigh because you're a hopeless romantic at heart.
but when you finally get to experience all of these things for yourself; the butterflies and sweaty palms that turn into tears that overflow into sunday and the perfect first date that, in the end, somehow leaves you heartbroken, please understand this is not the end.
do not let that chest pain make you afraid from feeling all that is to come.
because believe it or not, there is good chest pain in this twisted story of love.
you just have to be willing to find it.
it is hidden deep within the stories of heartbreak and struggle.
you might have to be patient, but don't give up.
you'll know when you feel it.
your chest will swell and it might feel like you can't breathe.
your heart might race as if it desperately wants to be connected with it's other half.
you might feel like you're dying and you'll probably ask yourself, "how is this good chest pain?"
your heart isn't breaking, my love.
it's swelling.
you're not dying, my love.
you're living.
i call it good chest pain because you can physically feel it.
you know it's real and it's not going anywhere, that i'm not going anywhere.
but if you need help telling the difference between the good and the bad, because they can feel pretty similar, i'll be right here to hold your hand and help show you the way.

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