The Flame and Lightning of Olympus

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My name is Rhea Vestia. I am eight and a half years old. And I am actually the forgotten goddess of the hearth, Hestia. And my sister is Suez. We're twins, and we're both long-lost goddesses of Olympus. Our dad is Zeus. Our mother is Hera. There's this maniac after us called Cronus, also known as the former king of the gods. And then we met these virgin women, called the Vestal Virgins. Suez wishes we were just normal girls. But we're nothing like normal girls. We girls are the long-lost goddesses of Greece and Olympus, and we will reclaim our spots on the thrones.

Chapter 1- It's Only the Beginning. Part 1. Rhea's POV.

"Suez, hurry up!" I shouted to my twin sister, Suez. We were both in 3rd grade and in the same class. "Hurry up! We'll be late for the bus!" "Ok, ok...." my sister replied. She ran down the stairs in her uniform. I had my uniform on too, of course. Then we ran to the schoolbus RIGHT before it left. The bus just started moving when Suez flagged it. Then we stepped into the bus. While Suez and I were on the bus, the schoolbus stopped at Artemis's, our friend, and she stepped on board. "Hey, where's Apollo?" Suez asked Artemis. "Ugh," Artemis groaned. "My brother is still putting on his clothes...He's like a snooty rich girl who doesn't know what to wear..Jeez." Then the busdriver honked the horn three times. Then, of course, Apollo came running down the path to the bus. He ALWAYS comes running when the horn honks three times. Like me and Suez, Artemis and Apollo are twins, except Apollo isn't a girl. Also like me and Suez, Apollo and Artemis look exactly alike, except for hair, eye color, and gender. We finally got to school. Artemis, Apollo, Suez, and I got off the bus. As always, I gave the busdriver 95 cents so he'd always give the four of us a really smooth and good ride. I'd say each of the four of us contributed. We all walked together to the playgrounds, where all the classes line up to go to class. When all of a sudden....

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